Sunday, June 03, 2012

Dog vs. Pig

I promise you will love it. Like it a lot? Chuckle? Not a waste of your day?


pilly said...


Noetje said...

Cute pig... But these people really need to clean up. Yuck...

Robert said...

@Noetje: No kidding!
I saw a story on line today about a pig that saved her owner's life; the woman had a heart attack and the pig went out and laid down in the street until someone stopped, then led them up to the house where they found her unconscious and called 911. Dumb animals my ass!

Del Riser said...

Pigs are smart, at least as smart as dogs. Clearly there is a baby living here, they do need to tidy up.

The man says *well, he is a pig* and she says *Well he doesn't have to act like it* Indeed!

GladysKravitz said...

I'm not one to judge whether a house is clean or not, especially when people have small children---it is hard to keep a place tidy with a baby and at least two animals.

That said, it doesn't seem as if the pig really wanted to play. And when the guy asked, "Did he pee again?" about the pig, it did kind of make me feel a little queasy.

GladysKravitz said...

Oh and when the woman sneezed, no one even said, "Gezundheit" to her. That's just bad manners.

Frufra said...

IDK, I kind of appreciated the "a baby lives here" look they've got going on. I remember those days - baby gear consumes the entire house. Well, we had a tiny house in those days. I think it looks messy, not filthy dirty.

I firmly believe a few animal germs only fortify a baby's immune system - and I'd better, cause we've got four of them indoors with us!

Frufra said...

Oh, and will that pig get way big eventually? Never had one myself. But at any rate, I'd bet that little dog will be the boss of him forever.

Noetje said...

I don’t really mind the baby gear. It’s the clothes all over the place that do.. I mean. I’m as guilty of throwing my clothes on the floor as they are, but I only use my bedroom floor as no one ever comes there.. Unfortunately.. ;-)

Bleu said...

It seems pretty safe to say that if a pig is eating something off the living room floor where a baby clearly also lives the house is not exactly "not filthy" ...

Basil said...

I heard that pigs can make good pets if they are trained properely, and that they are actually cleaner than most dog. Idoubt that pig will grow much bigger since you can get breeds that stay fairly small and managable.

Frufra said...

Sorry, that house is messy, not child - endangeringly dirty. I guess I have heard way too many stories of filth from a hubby in law enforcement for 20 years.

He's been in MANY houses with pet shit and piss everywhere, rotting food, and no working toilets. And a couple of kids living in that.

These pig video folks look like harmless slobs to me. My house is cleaner than theirs, but probably not up to some people's standards. It's a matter of degrees.

fridayschild said...

the house is a pig stye!!!

cheesegrater15 said...

Dance of the Sugarplum D'aawwwwwwws.

billybob said...

I hate when people get new pets without thinking or preparing for the effects the newbie will have on the status uo.

Anonymous said...

These people have a baby too. Jesus. A hideous house, junk all over the place, a baby, a pig and a dog, and they're more than happy to show it to the whole world. It's what makes America (or possibly Canada - this guy's accent is a little impenetrable) great - the unapologetic display of the down-market!

Coriander Shea said...
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Dangerous D said...

The mouth-breather behind the camera was distracting. As were the clothes all over the place. Did that lady sneeze on the baby? No cute points from me, people.

Jackie said...

I thought it was boring.

And agree that it was messy. Not call the cops messy. But I certainly wouldn't have posted a video if my house looked like that.

Lelaina Pierce said...

The dog/pig romp was cute! There was a "Round Two" Video and they had a birthday banner hanging up, so maybe the house is messy b/c they just had a party?

csproat said...

Adorable! The piggie looked like a tiny Hippo!


cricket said...

Very cute I loved the piggie and and the dog.

MadLyb said...

Pigs are said to be as smart as 3-year old children. They can even learn to play video games and the like.


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