Thursday, March 01, 2012

Maria & Arnold In Couples Counseling

Does it count as actively participating in couples counseling if you are seeing other women? Can you go into therapy and say "I vill be a better husband," and then go home and check out what housekeepers the service sent over for you to paw that day. I feel like Maria should just stay the course and divorce. It rhymes. I'm sure some divorce lawyer will use that phrase soon. Instead of staying the course though, Maria keeps going to therapy and keeps going to lunches and is probably letting Arnold have some personal therapy with her too. The kids are older and just about grown. Move on.


figgy said...

I dunno Enty...for SOME couples, they find their marriage has enough positives that it's worth staying "together," with "together" being defined in their own way, rather than divorcing. Even if that means non-fidelity. Maybe they aren't even sleeping with each other at all. Or they are, who knows?

I couldn't do it, but who knows what works for other people and why?

timebob said...

Harvey Levin kept saying don't be surprised if they don't get divorced.

She is deeply catholic and it seems but for his cheating they had amazing chemistry together. Maybe she just wanted to punish him and then take him back all along.

Hillary kept Bill, anything can happen.

Brenda L said...

She can't move on, she's a Kennedy woman. They've NEVER moved on, no matter what happened. Except for ol' Joan.

pilly said...

I really hope she ditches once and for all. If he "wins" her back--- he will regain his control over her and she will spend the the rest of her days with regret

MISCH said...

Also he doesn't want to part with any money...

The Bitch Next Door said...

Amazing how people are "deeply catholic" when they choose. Let's see now they went "steady" for approx 3-4 years prior to getting married during which time we can all assume they were engaging in that most heinous of Catholic offenses....premarital sex. So premarital sex & the use of birth control are OK but divorcing the man who made you the ultimate fool, by not honoring your sacred Catholic marriage vows, is verboten.
I know, I know I'll get off my soap box.

califblondy said...

While I wished she wouldn't, she probably will.

Pookie said...

their family lineage and religion aside, maybe she loves the guy and wants to forgive? it could happen.

Daveb said...

I think the kids don't want to see a divorce and they are probably the ones pushing counseling.

auntliddy said...

The kids have been very vocal they are on their mother's side. I think if she takes him back she is foolish. A leopard doesnt change his spots. Just ask Mary Jo.

Dazed said...

She seems like one of those women who don't care about cheating as long as it's hidden and the guy comes home. But who knows what goes on between them. If she's willing to take the risk, nothing anyone says will stop her.

Maja With a J said...

Maybe they are in therapy to figure out how to be happily divorced? I'm sure syhe has a lot of resentment towards him and perhaps she needs the help to be able to stay sort of neutral and somewhat amicable with him, for their kids.

Maja With a J said...


flip said...

In my mind it makes her weak. I can't fathom how she could have a healthy relationship with him after finding out he lied for soooo many years. Cheating is bad enough, but maybe surmountable -- but the fact that he lied and hid and had a child around for a decade? If he had told her and they buried the hatchet about it, that is one thing. But she was blind sided.

She seems to be a most supportive mother and enjoys that role. So, to me, she should follow through and divorce him and be a model for her kids. Kids copy what we do, not what we say.

ForSure said...

Well, I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes of this marriage, but if it's true that there are more women and possibly another child, then I wish that news would come out. Perhaps that would help make the divorce final. I can understand that she might have her reasons for wanting to save the marriage, again, not privy to that kind of private info, but I don't think I could forgive him if I was in her shoes.

crila16 said...

Why do people think therapy is the answer to all life's problems and people's bad behavior? I'm sorry, but Arnold is just an arrogant, selfish, self-centered pig. I don't think he needs therapy to figure out why he is this way. I can tell you. He has loads of money, he was an A list action actor, his ego is huge, women throw themselves at him...that's why he's an ahole. Therapy won't stop that. What they should do is pull a Trading Places situation on him. Cut off his money supply, women, throw him in the gutter. He'll wake up fast and realize what he had.

Susan said...

Not surprised. She's a Kennedy. Aren't that bred to stand by their cheatin' husbands?

Who know? You NEVER know what goes on in a marriage.

And not for nothin', I think divorce messes with kids - no matter what the age.

nolachickee said...

She had her head in the sand all that time he cheated on her. The mistress was right in front of her face. She's another Kennedy wife doormat. I brought up Joseph Kennedy cheating on his wife and bringing the mistress home for dinner the other day. This crap is in their DNA.

Casual Observer said...

Arnold will pull out every trick in the book to maintain his connection to the Kennedys. He wants to be thought of as a part of the Kennedy political dynasty, and I'm sure he's playing on Maria's Catholic guilt.

I predict that they WON'T divorce, even though he only married her to legitimize his own political ambitions.

mynerva said...

These two need botox counseling more than marriage counseling

weezy said...

Their couples counselling is perfectly legit. *They're* one of the couples, then there's Arnie's other partner(s)albeit not physically in the room with Arnie, Maria and the therapist, making additional couples!

Henriette said...

For some reason I never saw them divorcing. I think she has gotten to the point where starting again would be too hard. She thinks about getting out in the dating world and cringes.

I understand both sides of it. I think it would be hard to keep myself respect with a jerk like that, BUT Arnie was ALWAYS this way. Arnie never hid he was a class A asshat, so what was Maria thinking in the first place? If she put up with his arrogance and faithlessness for THAT long, why divorce him?

Lelaina Pierce said...

I would definitely stay the course and divorce, but I'm not Maria. Maybe it's just easier, financially, to stay together? And sure, maybe they still love each other.

Amy in MI said...

I just hope she eats more so she doesn't look like skeletor Eunice..eek

beachpoodle said...

It's easy to say Divorce him....but would Rose Kennedy have left her husband for the same? Doubt it.
I think that Maria may weigh the pros and cons and perhaps choose to stay in the marriage...
However, she will also not be like Rose Kennedy in that Maria will claim her own power in a different way which allows her the personal freedom to do what she wants to do in the marriage. That may not mean seeing others, but I think that Maria may find a way to command the power, respect and support and all other benefits that marriage brings, while still getting a different kind of respect from her husband and society. Their personal relationship will probably never be the same, however she may gain other new found respect from him and others as she really comes into her own, and she may actually find that she has more power within that realtionship than ever before.
Men may do what they do, however my feeling is that Maria may find a way to resolve her marital issues AND at the same time attain even more Personal Power for herself as a Woman, and as a Role Model for other Women.
It is time for Women to rise to their Highest and Best, even if their husband/significant other/mate is struggling to rise to theirs.
You go Maria...and do not let those that have not yet acheived your level of integrity cast a shadow on your light.
I think she will be a great role model for other women who also struggle with unevolved male partners. As Maria claims her place it will only assist other women's less fortunate mates to begin to learn how to correct the self-destructive behaviors that have threatened and destroyed relationships in their own lives.

__-__=__ said...

And SHE has money! Please, Maria, buy Martha Stout's book Sociopath Next Door. This is what you're living! Read and learn, for the sake of your children.

I get really pissed off when people who have money and can afford to take time to learn do stupid stuff like this.

__-__=__ said...

Especially when it's presented to the rest of the world like this is THE THING to do when your husband turns all douchetastic on you.

OK, I'm done now.

And thanks to Enty for being here since inception of CDAN! This has helped me get through working in a horrible environment. After today I'm FREE! I'm retired. Thanks for the memories!!


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