Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

October 5, 2011

You know, it has been awhile since I have had a jackass blind. Not that most of the people are not jackasses or have jackholian behavior to get them in here, but this is just a straight up, I am better than you, do you know who I am kind of situation that begs for the additional specificity of calling it a jackass blind. Do you like that word jackholian? It is kind of my tribute to Beavis and Butthead. I am Cornholio.

About a week or two ago, this unfortunately B list R&B singer who I wish desperately was a F or even lower was in a city for a concert. Because it was not the largest city, of course our singer thought he was the most important person in the city. Prior to the concert, the singer went to a store in a mall and was throwing merchandise around, making a mess, being loud and obnoxious (every other word from his mouth was an f-bomb). One of the workers in the store was following behind to clean up after the mess but was too intimidated to say anything to him.

So then the manager comes out and asks the singer to stop being so destructive and to relax and for he and his friends to please stop making a mess in the store. He had brought three other guys with him and according to rumor they were probably just not hanging out if you know what I mean. The singer then asked for the manager. Unfortunately for him, the woman he was addressing was the manager and told him. He then said, "Don't you know who I am?" No, I mean seriously he actually said those words. He then said he could buy out the entire store if he wanted. Here is a quote from the manager in the store which I love. "I was so thrilled when I got to tell him that yes, I knew who he was but didn't care, and that he needed to stop acting like a disrespectful jerk. I actually laughed when he said "Don't you know who I am?"

At that point, the singer walked out.

Chris Brown


  1. I am so sick of Fist Brown go away for 2012. UGH!!!

  2. I think we all knew this, but it's nice to have it confirmed. What a total dickhead. He needs a good beating.

  3. Everyone got this one right!

  4. Rita, who else could it be?? He's an ungrateful asshole

  5. I just want the blind about the former costars who are now shacking up to be revealed. I will be so irritated if it's not. Now that's juicy.

  6. This apparently happened in my state! Towson, Maryland to be exact and I could not be more prouder of that manager!!

  7. Way to stay classy, Chris.

    Oops, typo-
    Way to stay assy, Chris.

  8. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Chris and Rihanna need to have their heads examined.

  9. How he has not been beaten up I'll never know.

  10. Kind of surprised he didn't try to punch or choke her.

    May we see him wrap his car around a tree in 2012.

  11. And the worst part is there are still a lot of people that support this douche. This "Team Breezy" thing is so annoying and disgusting.

  12. Ohhhhhh, that felt good.

    I want to find this woman and give her a cash prize. And I want Rihanna and all of his fans to read this. Man, if this had only been caught on video...

  13. Anonymous4:35 PM

    ... and on reading about this manager, my heart grew three sizes. I'm surprised he didn't haul off and smack her across the face, since that seems to be how he normally deals with "uppity bitches."

  14. This one was way too easy. What a waste of space he is.

  15. What really pisses me off is that people actually love him and defend him for what he did!! Even before his asshattery foolishness, I knew there was something off about him and people could not understand why I did not like him. He rubbed me the wrong way from the start.

  16. Way to go store manager :D

  17. @Vicki Cupper - Amen.

    @AliB - I think he takes the title for the 2010-2011 a-hole season.

  18. The only way this douche will ever go away is if Rhianna ever comes to her senses and the record buying public stops sending him to #1. Until then, we'll see this clown again in the July 4 reveals.

  19. @strawberrygirl. He sure does. What a self-entitled ass! I hope he hits on Naomi Watts and Liev gives him a ride on the left foot express. One can dream...

  20. I don't care how much time has passed, Chris is still and forever will be a woman beater. The Fact the Riri think that it's ok to be with him shows how much she still hasn't dealt with that night. I am all for forgiveness but the one who is seeking to be forgiven has to have done something positive to ask for the forgiveness.

  21. I'd happily lose a Louboutin kicking him up the ass. This dirtbag would probably enjoy it though

  22. I think we all got this one right.

  23. ^meant to reply to strawberrygirl's first comment. Typing on my phone takes forever.

  24. LOL @mynerva, he probably would. The only reason Rhianna isn't with him publicly is because of her career.

  25. @ Rita he is a vile immature asshole for sure!

  26. I literally worked with girls who said "she probably wouldn't leave him alone and so she brought it on herself."

    I'm 26, and I can't believe someone has the mentality that someone should be choked and punch for saying the wrong thing. Disgusting.

  27. Anonymous4:42 PM

    She should have punched him in the face then called the police on him !!!

  28. Do you know who I am?
    Why yes, I've seen you on TV, you're a convicted criminal!

    That's the reply he should get.

  29. @Mari - PRICELESS!

  30. Oops, didn't add...

    Thank You to that store manager, from everyone, good for you!

  31. I'm really surprised the manager didn't get punched out too, braver than I would have been.

  32. @Rita this moron is such narcissist, mind you I bet the stunned look he gets when thwarted is worth seeing! @Black Cat he is a bully, I am very secure saying he folds like a cheap table when he is stood up to.

  33. Agree, xoApril. I'd pay good money to see him take a good beatdown. He is unfamiliar with the word "humility".

  34. I was worried there that he and his boys were going to beat on the manager. His punk ass is going to mess with someone bigger and badder one day and get himself Lieved.

  35. If you have the urge to say "Don't you know who I am?" you really shouldn't, because either they don't know or they don't care and you just look even more like a dumbass than before.

  36. As a former clothing store manager, in Baltimore no less, this story made me so happy. There were so many douches, not this bad clearly, who I wanted to tell fuck off, but grudgingly held my tongue. I put my foot down if I needed to, though that was rare. Whoever this is, I respect and envy you for telling off this douche. And I'm so glad it happened in Charm City (Towson counts in this instance)!

  37. Wasn't this already revealed? Or was it just so obvious I thought it was?

  38. Yeah, I think one of the commentators lived in the town and could confirm it...

  39. Well hung or not IMO Chris Brown is a little prick! One would think after beating Rhianna & showing what an uncivilized beast he is at GMA, the public would tire of him & his little boy tantrums. Grow up Chris & ever heard of Anger Management? Kudos to this store manager, who had the balls to tell him off! Cadence

  40. This guy is just a loser, straight up. Can't for him to be broke and washed up. It'll happen.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. It's pretty sad that he's the first person who came to mind for most people.

    Chris Brown is the worst sort of cretin. Every time I read anything about this unrepentant woman batterer, I become enraged and disgusted. And the worst thing is that he has millions of fans who still worship and defend him. He makes me sick.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I'm the manager of the store where this happened; I am the person who sent the blind to Enty... it was in Cincinnati, Ohio. And it was probably one of the best days of my life, having the power to shut Chris Brown's BS down. :)

  45. @Ghost
    You are just epic! Way to go!

  46. @ghost, what a great story!! And GOOD for you!!! :-D

  47. Oh so @ghost, what does Enty mean when he says "they were probably just not hanging out if you know what I mean"?? Cuz no, I don't know what he means.

  48. figgy- I am sure he is referring to the not-so-subtle rumors that CBrown is a switch-hitter, if you know what I mean. Kind of ironic, considering that Brown seems to enjoy saying "fag" a lot.

    As far as them "just hanging out" well, they didn't give any indication to me that there was anything more, but homophobia is rampant in the hip hop industry, so I'm sure everything is on the low, ie not in public, ever.

    No need to thank me, either- I considered it a civic duty, haha!

  49. Bravo, Ghost! (And thanks for asking about that little aside about the hangers-on, figgy -- I was curious myself.)

  50. @Ghost, BRAVA!!!!! Good for you Lady, you have balls of brass!



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