Monday, November 21, 2011

Fake Doctor Does This To Himself

The person above is a man. He is also a man who has posed as a fake doctor and has been arrested for giving butt boosting implants to at least one woman who almost died. Apparently the fake doctor advertised that he could make your butt look better with implants and charged $700 for the procedure which was an injection of cement, super glue and tire sealant and then sealed off the incision with super glue. One woman almost died in May 2010 after the procedure but disappeared after she went to the emergency room and doctors saved her life. She did give some information prior to her disappearance which led to the arrest of this transgendered man who is the accused injector. If this is his photo to get people to want to pay for the procedure, he really needs to rethink his advertising.


ms snarky said...

good lord.

EmEyeKay said...

So dang creepy and sad and wrong and... !

MontanaMarriott said...

The sad thing is this happens all the time in the transgendered community. The cost of becoming a woman is extremely expensive so to cut corners they go to people like this and literally take their lives in their hands.

Anonymous said...

That is the most unattractive thing I've ever seen. Look at how baggy the legs are because the jeans have to be big enough to fit over those hips.

RocketQueen said...

I blame the Kardashians.

Jesse D said...


Patty said...

Ick nast

Elizabeth said...

Beyond the obvious - what potential patient would look at this and say, "yes, I would like you to do a procedure on me."? She is a walking warning sign to potential "patients".

__-__=__ said...

I also blame Kartrashians.

Little Baby Jade said...

"f this is his photo to get people to want to pay for the procedure, he really needs to rethink his advertising."

Maybe not, he had at least one customer and probably more who are too embarrassed now to come forward.

Nellie said...

Does it seem weird to anyone else that enty would say this is a man, when really this is a transgendered individual who is a woman?

pilly said...

My sisters ass is bigger and I bet it's gonna get even bigger on Thursday!!

Anothergrayhare said...

I saw this on dListed and I think Michael K was being facetious when he described the injections as cement, super glue and tire sealant. Can't believe Enty would write this verbatim.

RocketQueen said...

No, I saw this article elsewhere yesterday online (not DListed) and it is being reported as those three ingredients. Mind boggling.

figgy said...

So is that what this woman's butt is filled with? Cement, super glue and tire sealant? Gee, even a little would have to, um, STING going in.

mygeorgie said...

I do not understand this generation's facination w/ the massive butts. Seriously gross (this one aside). Do they not realize what these asses are going to look like in, say, 10 yrs?

Mind boggling.

Nicki said...

Could you have some respect and call her a woman? Regardless of her dangerous criminal actions, she's coped with massive psychological trauma and public prejudice because she's transsexual - don't be a jerk.

SusanB said...

Yeah, this person truly used cement, super glue and tire sealent. It happened here in south Floriduh and was all over the local news.

Maja With a J said...

I love a big ass, but it has to be somewhat proportionate (is that a word? I keep staring at it and I can't tell anymore.) to the rest of the body.

Paleo Dame said...

Agree with Nellie and Nicki--she should be referred to as a transgendered woman. That said, I can't imagine why anyone would think that giant ass looks good. Can you imagine it unclothed?

iheartjacksparrow said...

And the "doctor" sealed the wound with Super Glue.

I would really like to know where you find pants that will fit over a butt and thighs that large.

surfer said...

I swear, I'd rather have a flat ass than walk around with something like that.

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who would consider having work done by this "doctor." If you're going to have something done, do your research and make sure the "doctor" is a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Anonymous said...

As a woman who had a big ass even when she was thin, I cannot understand this fascination with big butts. My ass has always been the bane of my existence. I can't imagine EVER wanting it to be any bigger!
And I've said it several times on this site -- people cannot change sexes. It's a biological impossibility. To call a person born a man who lives life as a female a "woman," or vice versa, is only a courtesy.

karen said...

Nellie, Nicki and The Missus: I fully agree. I'm really starting to wonder what person took over the blog? This can't be the old Enty. The posts are getting more and more ridiculous, insensitive and often plain vile.

RocketQueen said...

It's not about changing one's sex, Texshan, it's about altering one's outside to match what they feel they are on the inside. You've clearly never met a transgendered person or spoken to one or you'd know they're not trying to change their sex. And who cares?

Anotheramy said...

If someone is call a man or not depends on the situation. Chaz is a man, so is Ru Paul.
I would personally refer to this person as she however it just doesnt have the same oomph that way. This is a pretty far out story and the fact that she was born a he just adds to it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, RQ, I have met transgendered people. Again, and I can't stress this enough, I am not making a value judgment. I could not give less of a fark how they want to live their lives. I've got my own to worry about. I'm just saying (again!) that referring to a born male who lives life as a female as a "woman" is a courtesy. It is not, in fact, the truth. I can't believe that I have to defend myself to some of the people on this board because it's more important to you to be PC then it is to acknowlege the laws of basic biology.
I also love how so many of you attack me personally (not necessarily in this instance), calling me names and making all kinds of wild statements about my life, simply because you disagree with me about something. You will bend over backward to accommodate the wishes and choices of people you have no connection to but have no problem castigating me because I dare to disagree with you. Your open-mindedness only extends to those you feel share your opinions. So it's not really open-minded at all, is it?

Maja With a J said...

Texshan, your comment is funny because when I read the first one, where you, out of nowhere, decided to remind people that you DO NOT THINK ANYONE CAN CHANGE THEIR SEX, I could've sworn you were looking for an argument. RQ gave you one, and now you're just BESIDE yourself?

Don't confuse the aged term "sex change" with gender identity issues. There are many ways to feel completely disconnected from your physical body, feeling that you were born in the wrong one is but one of them.

Anonymous said...

Maja, I was responding to people (Nellie, Nicki, The Missus) blasting Enty for calling this person a man. He is a man. Enty wasn't wrong to refer to him as such.
That's it. That's the sole point of my oh-so-controversial post.

Bubbles said...

Well all anyone has to do is go back and read the post about Chaz and Annette Bening and Warren Beatty trans son, please read it and point out where enty called them women, girls; females, she throughout the article. It's not there so obviously the bias lies primarily with trans women which is starting to raise some flags as to what the issue really is.

RocketQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RocketQueen said...

Good lord, Texshan. I just can't with you. You want to make sure everyone knows in post after post you CAN'T CHANGE YOUR SEX but when someone thinks you're missing the point of why people choose gender reassignment surgery, you accuse THAT person of being close-minded for trying to explain the issue. Hokay. I don't care if we don't agree, hell, we're clearly miles apart on most issues, but if you're asking for an argument, you're going to get it. My point is, I don't think you understand the point of people who choose to undergo sex reassignment. And I don't get why you insist on harping on it every time the issue comes up. You claim to not give a "fark", but it sure does seem to bother you.

Anonymous said...

RQ, I think we are missing each other's points. My issue is with the people on this board who take umbrage over not calling someone who is biologically a man a woman and vice versa. Enty has taken heat because he referred to a male who lives as a female as "he." My only point is that Enty is correct -- this person is a he, whether or not they choose to live as a woman. That's it. That's the extent of my point. And I've made this argument only when other people bring up the subject.
I don't particularly care why people choose gender reassignment surgery. It's not my business, it's theirs. I'm not even commenting on that. My SOLE ARGUMENT is that people are not obligated to refer to a person by the pronoun they wish to use, if it's not biologically correct.

Jasmine said...

It also gave me pause when I saw Enty writing that this person was a trans man, rather than woman, as she so clearly is trying to appear and seems comfortable with.
Well, as comfortable as you can be hauling that ass around, yeesh.

I just hope that as this news is circulating amongst the blogs out there that it raises awareness of the pitfalls and problems in the trans community regarding their attempt to alter their appearence to match how they feel on the inside while negotiating these procedures with little money. Dangerous things like this DO happened often and I hope this is a wake up call that we should perhaps *gasp, allow insurance to help pay for gender reassignment or hormones. Oh I forgot, only men who cant get it up can get medicine for that paid for but people who feel like they're in the wrong body are freaks and shouldnt be helped. (Texshan- are you the president of all these medical committees or something?)hahaha

mooshki said...

Texshan, by your own argument, it's a courtesy to call them by the sex they choose, thus it's discourteous to use the other gender. So why are you so upset that people are pointing out a discourtesy? You're clearly just trying to make trouble when your own argument proves you're in the wrong.

mygeorgie said...

Texshan: biological or not, in my opinion if someone has taken the measures physically, emotionally & otherwise to live as the oppposite sex, it is with RESPECT that I refer to them as they wish.

Yes, we all know that *biologically* nothing's changed, but I think you are splitting hairs.

And no, I'm not castigating (sounds an awful lot like *castrating* hehe) you, just disagreeing.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jasmine, nope, I'm not. Like most people (I hope!) I think it's ridiculous that medical science benefits men so much more then women. Hey, dude, can't get it up? Here's a pill, covered by insurance! Hey, guy, don't like a finger up the butt once a year? Here, we'll check you for prostate cancer with a blood test! Meanwhile, hey lady, can't afford your birth control pills? Sucks to be you! It's your well woman exam! You lay there with your ass hanging off the table and your knees four feet apart while I shove all kinds of sharp, cold metal implements up your hooha and expect you to "stay relaxed!" It's horribly chauvanistic and unfair.
Mooshki, I said it was a courtesy to call someone by the pronoun they wish. It doesn't necessarily follow (at least to me) that if you choose not to, you are being discourteous.
Mygeorgie, I will join you in a Butthead-like "castrating ... huh huh huh ..."

Binky Melnik said...

@Mina: If you read posts on this blog from a year ago, you'll clearly see they were written by someone smarter, waaay kinder, waaay less judgmental, and quite a bit more masculine. Whoever's writing it now is bitchy, rude, and doesn't seem to know what "gossip" means.

As for those of you wanting to know why on earth someone would want a bigger ass, I can tell you: if you've never been able to fill out a pair of jeans, then you'll want some junk in your trunk. If you've heard "She's gorgeous. Shame about her ass, though," from Hispanic and black men, then you've wondered whether you could get away with those weird silicone cutlets in your pencil skirt. If your bikini bottoms droop because there's no meat in there, you've looked at Jennifer Love Hewitt's bottom with envy.

Not everyone has a round, inviting, delicious ass like an MMA fighter. Some of us weren't given asses AT ALL.

anonymei said...

This picture is absurd. No one except a maniac wants to look like this person. I personally think a nice bodacious booty is sexy. It always had been by everyone until the last 40 or so years when a subsegment decided that women should look like adolescent boys with humongous breasts, but that is a tangent. I feel the need to give the Texan support. You can not change your gender. If we dig up remains, DNA testing will be unequivocal. I am happy to refer to a person as whatever pronoun they choose, but biology is a reality not a hypothesis. I also do not feel the need to tread lightly on the feelings a butcher who is putting cement in desperate people. Enough said.

B said...

In the Black and Latino communities larger rear ends and thighs are considered attractive.It's not the Kardashians.It is cultural.All men don't find skinny women hot.

Principessa said...

Btw you can blame autocorrect for most of those spelling and punctuation errors. Except reassignmant. That was all me, baby.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, anonmei. You seem to be one of the few people to realize that no slur was intended, communicated, or inferred by my posts.
I do have a small nitpick, though. You wrote that gender cannot be changed. Gender, not sex, is largely a social construct. We expect the different sexes to act and look certain ways, and these cues are how we determine a person's gender. So gender isn't really a biological factor so much as a societal one. But I do appreciate you understanding what I was trying to get across.

Sarah J. MacManus said...

Well, it never hurts to be courteous and quite franky, referring to someone who acts, looks and presents as a female as "she" is certainly a lot easier than counting chromosones or having a rummage through their underpants.

And yes, the guy that was writing this blog a couple years back seems to have disappeared completely.

karen said...

Good to read that I'm not the only who's been noticing that the tone of the blog has changed completely and that this is not the Enty I used to love reading.

Bit dams said...

Yeah, the BIG issue here is clearly whether the person who is a CRIMINAL is referred to as a man or a woman. Lets make sure that this individual, who has hurt and potentially seriously endangered others, is respected.

how about we refer to this person as "piece of shit and call it a day.

misspoppypants said...

No one will ever say, 'yeah, I'd hit that,' because concrete would crush hand.

misspoppypants said...

Yes, OMG, who cares if we call her by the right gender? That is such an asanine concern! She almost killed people. Let's build a shrine to her sexuality! She's a sociopath. You MUST be joking. YOU can respect her but no ssensible person gives a damn about what's dangling between her thighs. She is not deserving of ANY kind of respect.

misspoppypants said...

Where us everyone getting the idea that only transgenders got their asses mixed with concrete? Or that only they are too poor to afford procedures like this. She was preying on anyone. Clearly if her clients look at that and think that's for me they have bigger, so to speak, issues than gender identification. Such as, perhaps, body dismorphic disorder. So many red herrings over sexuality and pronouns here, and spare me the self aggrandizing, self righteous claims of enlightenment. She almost killed people. Period. Full stop.

mygeorgie said...

misspoppypants: I believe folks here were referring to other, non-sociopath transgenders about "respectfully/courteously" calling them by their desired sex as a response to Texan's "you can't biologically change your sex!...."

I think we all agree this partic dick deserves no respect.

misspoppypants said...

Yeah, it kills me though when we get sidetracked from the point of the posts.

Transgendered people do deserve respect and to be called any pronoun they like and to have people not fixate on their business.

To me, the fact she's transgendered is irrelevant--it just makes the media more into this story.


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