Monday, August 29, 2011

Shia & Chelsea Handler Have Bad Weeks

Have I told you how much I love publicists? They are willing to take a stand on a story and stick to it even when they are proven wrong, just to make sure their version of events gets out there. Take these two stories from The NY Post which occurred within the past week. Last Monday night, Chelsea Handler went to an employee party at The Standard in New York, you know, because her dude owns the place. The party was on a boat in The Hudson River. Well, despite being the boss' girlfriend, Chelsea still got kicked out when security from the boat company discovered Chelsea and another guy in the bathroom together. Yeah, and apparently they were not having sex. The great thing is, Chelsea's publicist who is also Jennifer Aniston's publicist, at first said Chelsea did not even go to the party. Then, when confronted with pictures of her at the party said she was not kicked out. Really? You lost all credibility when you did not even know she was there so why should anyone believe your story when you say she was not kicked out.

Chelsea apparently was recovered enough to go out Friday night in Los Angeles and was there to witness Shia LaBeouf getting kicked out of a party after almost coming to blows with a guy from Marilyn Manson's band. When the two were separated by security, Shia was escorted out by security while keeping his hands on his head the whole time. His girlfriend chased after him crying. Obviously kicked out. His publicist said though that Shia went and saw a band play and when it was over left early as planned. Uh huh.


MontanaMarriott said...

So Chelsea was toot tooting with some random guy or her dealer?

Cathy said...

I think there was a Lainey blind a while back about Chelsea and coke...

Cathy said...

PS - Is it just me or does Chelsea look like a blonde Neve Campbell in that pic?

Cecilia00 said...

Hasn't Enty had a blind about a talk show host coking it up? One about her attempting to hide it by only partying out of town, and then another one where the host and guests do it in between breaks of the show?

IIRC Chelsea was top pick for both.

Patty said...

Good. Don't like either one of them.

Pookie said...

i'd be feeling sorry for chelsea's pr peep, a little love here. it must be a nightmare having her as a client...cokeheads can't possibly be much fun to keep in line.

Ms Cool said...

I can't stand her. She isn't funny and there is no way she is a day under 50. I have a soft spot for Shia, though.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I think it would be grand if one time a publicist said, "yeah? so what about it?" when asked to comment about something like this. If I were a publicist, I'd do it.

Jessi said...

Im confused though. Why is Jon Hamm in the picture? That is Jon Hamm isn't it?

Henriette said...

I think Shia has some sort of mental disease that is going undiagnosed. He has always had very erratic behavior. Does anyone remember the Walgreen's incident from a few years ago?

I think everyone knows Handler is a coke head.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

^I think there's a lot of undiagnosed mental illness walking around.

RocketQueen said...

Chelsea was definitely doing coke in the bathroom. Blind left and right about her love of the white!

As for Shia - that is one dude that should really just quite drinking. And he knows it, or has admitted such in interviews. He just gets violent and turns into an asshole. Apparently he was wasted and spitting water on people, including his own girlfriend?? What an ass.

Also, that pic of Hamm is hilarious.

karen said...

I'm just wondering how any of these douches could manage to not get killed while acting the fool in public. I can tell you if some drunk asshole would spit on me I would kill his ass.

Chelsea Handler is just white trash. I can't understand how people even go on her show and want to be associated with that lowlife?

__-__=__ said...

She holds down a show, at least 50, and still partying and doing coke? Party on Chelsea!! I only wish I had that kind of stamina!

old ;ady said...

I like Chelsea, we don't have that many options on our cable. She did coke at a party from the blinds this is what she's done for years only now she got caught. She will deny, deny on her show just like the PR. people. She needs help. Shia needs help too, I think he is mixing chemicals with his booze so then he acts a fool. That will happen if you mix things so will acting the fool if you cann't handle booze.

Henriette said...

I think Handler has brought into this culture of being a sexualized whore for attention. She thinks she is ahead of the game, but she has been beat by it. It is very sad and tragic to see.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I don't even understand how Shia is even as popular as he is. He has 1) NO charisma, 2) below-average looks, and is 3) a straight up douche-bag. He's not so uniquely talented that he could override issues 1 and 2. Why do people keep hiring him. He's a complete zero. I seriously have no clue how he gets parts that are anything higher than 4th male lead.

Yes, that's Jon Hamm in the photo.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
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Jason Blue Eyes said...

Chelsea has no patience for anybody on her show anymore - all of whom are way more entertaining then she is. Is being short on patience an effect brought on by coke? I'm surprised she can sit still for the 22 minutes it takes to film the thing.

I'm not a Brangeloonie by any means but Chelsea's constant ragging on Angelina Jolie turned me off of her. Angelina is a woman who travels the world visiting and helping the dregs of humanity while Chelsea is merely fastly becoming the dregs of humanity.

RocketQueen said...

@Jason - yeah, it is. People on coke want to rattle on about their own stuff all the time, rather than listen. Someone once described it as feeling like you're the smartest, funniest motherfucker in the whole room...I think that's pretty apt.

Anonymous said...

@rocketueen Quite a few alcoholics know they should stop drinking, but have a difficult time doing it. Ummm, not that I would know.

Also, I wonder what Shia was drinking. I'm a really laid back drunk UNLESS I drink anything with artificial dyes in it [especially red dye]. Then I tend to get ridiculously angry. Wonder if the same thing happens to Shia.

RocketQueen said...

^Leslie - so many of my bf's friends (and a few of my dad's) turn(ed) into absolute nightmares while drinking whiskey/rye. There is just something about that booze...violent, aggressive, assholes.

Anonymous said...

@RocketQueen I'd put money on it being the glueten/corn in the whiskey/rye.

Mango said...

Chelsea looks very, um, FLUFFY in that pic for a habitual coke user. Just sayin'.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Yeah, Chelsea was probably doing coke in the bathroom. No big surprise there, since she regularly talks about doing drugs.

I laughed out loud when I read the Shia story (the spitting part). I mean it's horrible, but also slightly funny. He has some anger issues....


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