Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Who Is To Blame?

I have been trying to process my feelings the past few days about the tragic case of Christian Choate. The 13 year old was killed from repeated abuse by his parents and older sister, kept in a dog cage most of his life and was locked up every night. There is news today that Christian wrote about his experiences and I hope those letters come to light and give a glimpse into what happened and how he tried to cope.

It is at times like these that I wish I could personally go and administer my own kind of justice to the people responsible. Who is responsible though? Of course the people who did the beatings and if there is any justice they will be locked up in dog cages for the rest of their lives. Seriously.

But what about the doctor who saw Christian many times over the years and complained of injuries like running into a door and he even told the doctor he was locked up every night. The doctor never told anyone anything. F**ker. I hope you lose your practice and that your family never speaks to you again.

What about the teachers who read Christian's writings? Did they ever talk to authorities or show them these letters and papers? They waited until he died. Why? Did you not notice the kid withering away in front of you everyday and stop to ask why? Get involved!!

What about Child Protective Services who says they made frequent visits to the home but never saw anything out of the ordinary and no one ever complained. Did they interview Christian separately? No. They interviewed him right in front of the people beating him and keeping him locked up. WTF was he supposed to say? While you go back home to your comfortable warm families and homes, he knew that if he said anything he would get no food, be subject to more beatings and more time in the cage. How can a trained professional get snowballed like that? They should all be fired. Seriously.

Don't let there be any more Christians in this world. Get involved. If you suspect abuse, report it. Follow up to make sure something was done. These are children. Protect them.


Anonymous said...

This is so sad...there are so many people out there who would love to have a child any aren't able who would've adored this poor little boy. Such a shame.

I hope everyone involved it brought to bear the fullest measure of the law.

BigMama said...

I am with Enty on this. I would love to go and "deal" with these people personally. Children are precious people. No one deserves a child, we are blessed with them and people who abuse them should be put in a very very very special place. In fact, I know of some swamp land out here that would do just fine.

parissucksliterally said...

That is one of the saddest stories I have ever read.

HOW could the Doctor, Teachers and CPS ignore this? THIS is their responsibility to report! I am disgusted. I hope all those people have to suffer in a cage, while being beaten periodically.

RocketQueen said...

This made me want to cry. RIP little Christian.

MnGddess said...

This is why I believe in the removal of reproductive organs of any man or woman convicted to child abuse or murder. I don't put my own DOGS in a cage! This is absolutely disgusting. The parents better be dealt with accordingly and the damn doctor better lose his license.

Maja With a J said...

Heartbreaking, and infuriating.

Unknown said...

From what I read elsewhere, he was homeschooled.

There isn't a punishment suitable for the "people" he lived with.

bluebonnetmom said...

I am with Rocket Queen on this one. His sweet face is going to haunt those who looked away and did NOTHING. Fire every last one of them and put the abusers away for life. Rest in Peace sweet angel.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Jesus GOD.

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why I will always fight for cheap and widespread birth control. If you're not fit to have a dog, you sure as shit shouldn't birth a CHILD. WHYYYYY DO SOME PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN?!?!

Enty, I know that I occasionally pick at your posts, but I absolutely agree with every single word you just wrote. Why the hell was the privacy of the parents more important than the comfort of this child?

It's high time this country began looking after our most vulnerable citizens, instead of the ones who can write checks and boost bank accounts.

I don't believe in Hell, but whenever I hear about cases like this, I honestly hope it DOES exist.

__-__=__ said...

We all need to demand the justice system deal with these people harshly. The damage they do is just massive.

Nickola-Lola said...

God bless his soul. RIP kiddo. And for all those who failed him, I think there is a special place in hell with their name on it. I just can't wrap my head around the knowledge that SO many people came in contact with this poor boy and didn't help him.

Ice Angel said...

Birth control had nothing to do with this. These people had other children in the home-younger and older if I remember. This case has been haunting me, as it took place not too far from where I live. It is infuriating to say the least. The problem is that these aren't unwanted children. These are children these monsters want so that they can carry out their abuse, which they must enjoy.

Just look at that precious face. If only I had known, buddy, I would have done everything possible to save you. My heart is troubled. I really hope these monsters get the ultimate penalty you could give.

Ice Angel said...

Edit to add-these children are also wanted for the money they get from the state! Sick sick sick!!!

Margaret said...

This is one of the most extreme things I've ever read... Apparently, he was so locked up that no one except his siblings even knew he was gone. And they were (reasonably) afraid for their own lives if they said a word. I don't think he went to school. Father/stepmother did this. Where was his mom? I'm not writing that in an accusatory tone, I'm just wondering if anyone knows.

Also, this is a system where the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Unfortunately, abused children are squeak-less. The proverbial silent scream.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Ice Angel -- "The problem is that these aren't unwanted children. These are children these monsters want so that they can carry out their abuse, which they must enjoy."

That's a good point. :-( I hope you're wrong, but it sounds like you've been keeping up with this.

I still wish the parents had never, ever, ever reproduced in the first place, though. And mandatory sterilization should be freakin' required in situations like this, if you ask me. Abuse *one* kid? Alright. No more for you, then. You're done.

Momster said...

So many people failed him. RIP, little man.

Sarah J. MacManus said...

One of the reasons I still hold out for the state's right to use the death penalty, even though I'm a bleeding heart liberal.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Fawn Neun -- I vote for lifelong solitary confinement. Make them live long, miserable, boring lives with nothing to keep them company but their thoughts (and, hopefully, intense regrets, but that's doubtful). Same goes for Casey Anthony.

Besides, it's ultimately cheaper than frying 'em.

pwner said...

I know it's only natural to *want* to physically harm people that do this to others, especially when this kind of extreme violence is directed at a child.

However, I strongly believe the idea that violence begets violence is what is inherently wrong with the world today. I don't think it's ever a solution....just my opinion.

That being said, I think people like this should be locked up for the remainder of their natural lives.

Mango said...

I don't think teachers read his writings because he was pulled out of school and home-schooled by his whackjob stepmother. That's why no one noticed he was missing.

Sippin Sukka said...

They need to go after the licenses of everybody involved. Teachers, doctors, caseworkers, everybody. I don't know about Indiana, but in Illinois failure to report abuse is grounds for losing your license.

Kitty said...

This reminds me of little Lisa Steinberg in NYC back in 1987:


feraltart said...

I don't understand why monsters get to have children and my husband and I couldn't.
I know violence is wrong, but I could be violent to these losers.

New Life and Attitude said...

I don't have enough words to say how I feel. So I'm just going to say that I hope he's now finally enjoying himself in heaven and abuse free, and to the rest of them I hope they all rot in hell.

jen said...

@GrowFarmington the article i read said his stepmother pulled him from school and home schooled him. i think she had the papers. she made him write papers on why he touched himself.

people disgust me.

MadLyb said...

Well, you know, the father was nice enough to bury him and put a Bible on his chest. Oh my God. I'm so sickened and saddened by this story I have no words, but my most primitive self wants an eye for an eye. I know what Ghandi said, though, and it won't bring back this poor little soul.

juicy said...

Has anyone here read the book (and the follow-up books to it "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer? This story reminded me of that book. He went through the same types of torture Christian experienced and ultimately became a teacher or counselor something of the sort (it's been a long time since I've read it, so don't quote me on that)
But the books are absolutely heart-wrenching. I recommend them if you can stomach it.

parissucksliterally said...

juicy, yes I have read that book. It was horrifying.

Ice Angel said...

@ Ida I am with you on the sterilization, but I feel that child abusers should be locked up and the key thrown away...better them than poor strung out druggies crowding our jails (and the mentally handicapped!)

@ Juicy-I read that book and the follow up to it-luckily the boy grew up to be a fine man and father.

Ice Angel said...

@ feral-I'm sorry to hear about you and your husband. We can't either and it was heartbreaking. We were lucky enough to be able to adopt 3 times. It does make me sick to know that people have children and abuse and/or kill them. It is just so unfair, when this boy could have been brought up in a loving home.

Unknown said...

Well, Enty, I read the VERY VERY SHORT ARTICLE on him..... and in the end.... IT IS THE PARENTS WHO ARE TO BLAME! yes, there are others on the side, but in the end, IT IS THE PARENTS (FATHER AND STEP MOTHER) where is the Mother??? You have to get a license to get married, to fish, have a gun (but sooo many ignore that too) People should be put on automatic BIRTH CONTROL until they are proven MENTALLY ABLE to take care of children, AND FINANCIALLY! THEN the tubes are untied on both of them! Can you imagine how our economy would be then??? We might be in the Black in a few years! Anger reduced, stress down.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Enty, standing with you on this.

Ellebee said...

juicy, I read that too.It still bothers me today.

Kitty, I remember Lisa and her terrible tragedy.

My whole working career was in education, child care and special needs children.

If I even had a little inkling of child abuse I would have called. The other teachers, therapists and assistants that I work with would have called too.

We sign paperwork -as teachers or child care workers-that says we are obligated to report any suspected child abuse to the state of CA.

My husband, as a cop, had no problem pulling a child out of houses in abusive situations, he saw some ugly things, but nothing as ugly as this.

He did have one case where a mom left her five kids -infant to 10 yrs-alone for days. He took the children into protective custody. Then they looked for the mother, the neighbors found the mother before the police did and beat the snot out of her. Not kidding-they really beat her.

Damn, I really hate people sometimes. I struggled to conceive my 2 daughters and these people have children and treat their son like that-F*CK them.

I can only hope that they will suffer for the rest of their lives for this.

Shoeaddict said...

Rest In Peace, poor boy. I hope every single person involved rots in hell for all eternity. I can't believe that so many levels of people failed this child.

Doc Girl said...

I would like to hear stories from people who have seen abuse and stopped it from happening.

littlemanwhatnow said...

me too doc girl. i am so sad and sick to my stomach over this. i would love to pay a few prisoners where these monsters are locked up and have other inmates beat them with batteries in tube socks to the death!

thisoldbroad said...

Some people deserve the death penalty, like the adults in that household.

The Dr should lose the medical license. At the very least should be suspended & fined.

CSD - Where to begin! Every time there is a tragic child death from abuse there is always a brief flurry of CSD blaming & budget excuses. When the media moves on to other news, nothing has changed at CSD & it's business as usual.

We should be able to prosecute case workers & supervisors for negligence in cases like this. We should also be able to hold the states liable if funding was an issue.

How many states are cutting CSD funds now in their flurry of budget cuts? Lawmakers should be held accountable for the decisions they make - & I'm not just talking about elections either.

Don't let this little guys pain disappear when the media moves on. Write to legislators, politicians. Volunteer at shelters. Educate yourselves & pay attention to what your local & state politicians are doing with government funding. Do..something.

feraltart said...

Hi Doc Girl, I rang DOCS (Department of Community Services) over the children who lived behind me. I would have confronted them if my husband was home, but he works away about 50% of the time, and the parents were drug users, so I was too scared to go round by myself. The good news is the children were taken out of that situation. I know the father never got off the drugs, but I hope the mother did. They broke up.
A female friend and myself had a go at a bloke who was abusing his girlfriend verbally in front of us. He tried to threaten us, so we said we would ring the police and they both walked away.

surfer said...

This is beyond sad. When I read this story, all I could think about was this adorable little boy named Randall Dooley (here in Toronto), around 6 or 7, who was beaten to death by his father & stepmother many years ago.

His birth mother sent him to live with his father, as he could provide him with a 'better life." I remember donating to a fund after he died - I believe it was either to help pay for his funeral or help his mother in some way, as there was another brother.

The law should really come down hard on all those who failed this boy.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@thisoldbroad -- great points you just made, and well said.

Bit dams said...

CPS is a joke. the peditrician, ER MD, school counselors, teachers, have all reported my soon (hopefully) to be ex to CPS. the last CPS worker told me, "He'a the dad. He can scream at them, hit them, push them. I con't be coming out here for every bruise".

They brought up people hurting you in my 12 year olds class and how you should tell a mandated reporter. she told the class, "don't bother. all that happens is they tell your abuser and you get hurt again". that got me an interview with the principal. hello, that is my kids truth. its not pretty, but its true.

people do NOT want to believe that kids are hurt by their families. starting 1/1/12, in CA, kids 12 and up have a say in where they live. we are hanging our hat on that day.

i feel sick when i read stories like this one, because i know there are so many more that we don't hear.

hoosierlady said...

very well said, agree with every word

ardleighstreet said...

I hate and LOATHE the types of people who abused him. It seems like these assholes who abuse children can breed like rabbits. This poor little guy. I wish his story could have been better. I wish somehow that he had a hero to save his life. It's a sad shame that the system failed this boy.

I hope that the other inmates;in jail; show his parents just how big a bitch Karma can be.

ardleighstreet said...

I hate and LOATHE the types of people who abused him. It seems like these assholes who abuse children can breed like rabbits. This poor little guy. I wish his story could have been better. I wish somehow that he had a hero to save his life. It's a sad shame that the system failed this boy.

I hope that the other inmates;in jail; show his parents just how big a bitch Karma can be.

ardleighstreet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ardleighstreet said...

I hate and LOATHE the types of people who abused him. It seems like these assholes who abuse children can breed like rabbits. This poor little guy. I wish his story could have been better. I wish somehow that he had a hero to save his life. It's a sad shame that the system failed this boy.

I hope that the other inmates;in jail; show his parents just how big a bitch Karma can be.

xtabuxangelx said...

As a mother now of two fantastic kids and being an abused child by my father for many years, I made every effort and succeeded in never hitting my children. It just wasn't going to happen, because I knew I would have been as evil as my father. Cases like these make me sick and horribly sad. No child should have to suffer this way. There are people out there that would give anything to have a child of their own and they would be great parents, but for some reason, they aren't. I watch my best friend struggle with infertility and her dream of being a mother. She deserves to be a parent. The scumbags who did this to Christian will never be sorry. That mindset is to far gone. They have no empathy or soul. You know they blame that poor little boy for this and I honestly wish like many posters to enact a judgement on them that they would wish for death. RIP Christian, may you dance with Angels.

Anonymous said...

I can't add to the many sentiments listed above without repeating them. This is absolutely horrible. I look at the picture at this kid, and you can see that at one point, he appeared sorta happy. But that was apparently too much for his old man, who had to quash every last happy moment out of him until this poor kid was dead.

If it can be considered a silver lining, it's this: Enty posted it on his blog where others not in the loop on this story were suddenly made aware. I had no idea about this story until I read it here. Up until this afternoon, when I think of current acts of child brutality grabbing headlines, like a lot of people my mind went to the Casey Anthony trial.

With this, I went through my mental rolodex of all my neighbors and considered whether any of them could be classified as having the earmarks of an abusive relationship (the answer being, thankfully, no).

I am hopeful that everyone who reads this blog post does the same. And if those readers have the same answer as me, then consider yourself lucky - the community you are in is filled with normal/rational people who understand what it means to raise a child.

But if not, definitely call the authorities. Make as much of a stink as that really cool girl who screamed at the pervert on the NY subway that made a big splash on youtube about a year ago (I think). The more people who zero in on these monsters, the sooner the abuse stops.

I think about something my great-grandmother told me: "sometimes, the only thing a bully really appreciates, is a bigger bully." Counteracting the self-hate of a few individuals--who cannot keep themselves from trampling upon the innocence of a small child--can be achieived smartly in screaming as loud as we imagine kids like Christian undoubtedly did. Screaming to attorneys, police officers, friends, anyone. Eventually, the snowball will get going on its own.

Amen, Christian. RIP little amigo.

Furiously Curious said...

I wish Dexter were a real person and lived in this town.

I don't know what else to say. :(

Robert said...

I can't help but notice unintended irony in the first line of the last paragraph, but it should have read, "Don't let there be any more 'Christians' in this world." "Suffer the children" does NOT mean "to make children suffer."

sparkles said...

what the hell is wrong with people?
how do you abuse children like that?
i have five kids and i understand stress but to beat them,lock them in cages,is beyond my realm of understanding.
i always say my door is open to any kid who needs it anytime.
as a consequence i can have 10 15 kids here for dinner and i wouldnt have it any other way
Kids just need someone to believe in them and love them,and if they need it somewhere to run sometimes.

Lissette said...

We just had a similar case here in Miami. It is tragic. The little girl and her twin brother were being abused. The parents adopted them and abused on them. She died and was being transported in the pick up to a dumpsite when the police caught up with the father. The father had the surviving 9 year old in the car with him and there were chemicals on the kid, it is assumed
the same ones used on his sister. My daughter's best friend's mom is representing the state against these animals. In fact she's the attorney on the page that references this story:

A lot of people knew, there were warning signs everywhere. Yet NOT ONE person said anything. The case worker was lying that she was coming to visit and she wasn't. The teachers read letters and brought it up to Children Services and nothing was done, over and over again. It is ridiculous that people can continue to do this.

Anonymous said...

How awful. Stories like this make me cry. I don't have children and not sure if I ever want any, but I can't imagine being so sick in the head as to do this. What kind of monster does this to someone that's their own flesh and blood?

There's a saying that some people will bust Hell wide open when they meet their maker. Christian's mother can only hope that's all that happens to her. And every adult that interacted with Christian should be haunted with his face in their dreams for the rest of their lives.

We have to be more involved in each other's lives. We can't allow things like this to happen. The action is wrong, but knowing and do nothing is even worse, IMO.

cheesegrater15 said...

I hope to god in the not too distant future a psych evaluation will be required before people can have children.

I don't want children so I'm not going to have children. Ta-da!

I hope his sister gets beaten to death at school.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I haven't heard about this case. That sweet little face breaks my heart. RIP.

I totally agree with everything you said, Enty.

nataliesinger said...

Oh this is just heartbreaking...anyone want to plan a group journey to visit ALL of those delinquent, negligent a--holes and execute the eye for an eye rule? Poor little thing.

Poor Kate said...

I just had a discussion with my husband regarding the uproar about Michael Vick/BET/Subway situation.

Let me say first that I'm INSANELY in love with my dogs. But THIS CHILD. This precious little boy, Christian's horrific story isn't getting nearly the attention it deserves. What the HELL? I'm utterly disgusted with the lack of compassion in this world. If it's not a crazy-sensational trial like Casey Anthony, who cares right?

Jesus Christ. I want to throw up.

GoGo said...

I am so angry, disgusted, and sad right now I can barely think (or see due to the tears I'm crying).
I totally agree with e'eryone's comments.

What a sweet, sweet face. RIP Christian... you're free now.

fairylights said...

I don't know about other states, but in Texas we're required by law to report any suspected abuse or risk losing our teaching licenses. The problem is, you report it as directed....and nothing happens. Or something happens and the kid disappears from our district.

This is just so sickening. I can't even comprehend someone doing what was done to that poor sweet boy.

Steph said...

My heart goes out to this poor soul - who is now free of his "family." I will hug & kiss my daughter extra tonight. I just don't see how you can do that to someone... I read "the boy called it" and was so sad and angry by the end that it affected my life.


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