Monday, April 25, 2011

Today's Blind Items

So, when this then A list movie star married this then A list television actress it was a big deal. Heck, even though they have been divorced for years it is still a big deal. Apparently the reason they rushed the wedding is that our A list television actress refused to have sex with the A list actor until they got married. Bet he did not have that issue with his current partner.


  1. Brad Pitt and Jen Aniston?

  2. Good call girltrav! I second that!

  3. Definitely Brad and Jen.

  4. really? she held out when he was in his top notch prime condition? that is amazing fortitude...

  5. Haha, that is pretty hilarous.

  6. Sorry I can't believe Jen held out...she's been giving it away ever since......

  7. Definitely Aniston. Although what I've read before is that she made him wait 9 months before sleeping with him, but they eventually did have sex before getting married.

  8. Also, as a hint to Aniston, her ex is in the random photos, as in Sideshow Bob!

  9. we're brad and jen together for a while before they got married? like a few years or am i wrong?

  10. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Brad and Jen FTW. I know I could not have kept my clothes or his on for that long so I admire her for that. He is still hot, especially without the scruffy beard. Something about that wicked little smile of his....

  11. I thought Brad and Jen dated for a few years before getting married. I'm thinking someone who dated for a short period of time, but can't think of anyone for now.

  12. Jen seems the type back then to have followed "The Rules" to a tee.


  13. I don't recall there being a rush to get married at all when it came to Brad and Jen. Sorry, don't think it's them.

  14. Brad Pitt 9 months, John Mayer 9 minutes.

  15. Supposedly Jen/Brad started dating in May 1998 and married in July 2000. Given that Brad describes himself as being "hung like a hamster" he could probably wait it out with no problems!

  16. I thought they were together around two years too. It fits but I don't think it's them.

  17. Jennifer Aniston admitted to putting out on the first date with Brad. I don't think it's them.

  18. I thought Brad and Jen, but then I discounted them because the last line makes it sound like 1) he's remarried and 2) we wouldn't know whether he and the new partner had sex before marriage. But Brad and Angelina have already had three biological kids together, so it's pretty obvious they've had sex.

    But I don't have any other guesses right now.

  19. As for Brad and Angie - I don't think sex was a big priority for her - didn't Billy Bob once say that fucking Angie was like Fucking a couch?

  20. Harrison and Calista are still married, so they can't be this one.

    Brad & Jen Aniston, FTW. This one feels like it's barely blind.

  21. I think it's someone from longer ago ... because of the "then A-lister" reference. Meaning they aren't anymore, but I can't imagine that's true about Brad.

    Because he's out making the rounds of interviews right now, I was actually thinking Burt Reynolds and Loni Anderson, but Burt doesn't seem to be "partnering" with anyone at the moment.

    But I could be all wet. It just sounded like 2 people who WEREN'T A-list anymore.

  22. I could have sworn Pitt/Aniston dated at least 2 years before they got married. That's quite awhile for him to wait...and was she waiting for religious reasons? Is JA that religious??

  23. i think white lorelei is right...

    maybe Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly?

    When they met she was just coming off of Picket Fences and may have been considered A list at the time. I remember she seemed to be everywhere back then....

    is he still dating that 24 year old from ANTM?

  24. @white lorelei, I agree with you. I think this is someone from awhile ago, and yes, my first thought was Burt and Lonnie too. But I am not really sure why this is a blind. Is it a bad thing nowadays to wait until marriage for sex?

  25. Pitt/Anniston!!! OMG if it's true, it's huge and funny

  26. Brad and Jen, but I can't believe she wouldn't have sex with him. Weren't they living together for quite awhile beforehand? He was in his prime then; can't believe he was not getting any until they had the big blow-out wedding.

  27. The big deal makes it sound like Jen and Brad but it cant be. Who is still linked in the press? Maybe money issues or nasty custody battles?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Bruce Willis and demi Moore?

  30. OH KATJA! I just came back to say the same thing!

  31. Bruce and Demi DID have sex within the same night they had met, heck, even within the hour! They've declared to the world back then in an interview with Paris Match.

  32. I am going to add another blind here, from blind gossip, because it seems to fit one we had here before about an acress keeping her boyfriend around through award season, but that he wasnt the father - Portman? :

    "BlindGossip – When this famous director dropped out of a high-profile project, there was some speculation that it was due to personal rather than professional reasons. He had broken up with an actress last year, and it was believed that each was taking time off from work to battle over the custody of their child/ren. What isn’t public knowledge is that their breakup was due in large part to his affair with another actress… who became pregnant with his baby. The jury is still out on whether or not any of the three will ever acknowledge the affair and/or the baby’s paternity."

  33. Burt Renyolds & Loni Anderson

  34. Brad Pitt and Jen--she made him wait a WHILE but i don't think it was all the way up to the wedding...and Brad is NOT hung like a hamster---there's a pic of him naked on a balcony online and he's not bad at all!!!
    (I can't find it to link to, but I saw it and i could kick myself for not saving it to my computer.)

  35. It is NOT Brad and Aniston...She broadcast to the whole world in an interview that they slept together the fist night!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. hmm, oh well I am out of thoughts on this one...

    Stallone and Brigit? no she was never A list....

    Cage and Arquette?

    Who else had a short shocking marriage?

  38. This is old news. It was Burt and Lonnie. People still talk about them.

  39. Anonymous5:07 PM

    No straight woman could hold out when it comes to Brad Pitt.

    My problem with this is, why would the guy get married? Are there any former young couples? I can't see a man and woman in their 30s doing that.

  40. Anonymous5:08 PM

    And also, didn't Counting Crows guy date Courtney Cox, not Jen Aniston?

  41. @anita_mark - Duritz dated BOTH of them. I think he dated CC longer, though.

  42. Men are so easy. Decided this week that the only accessory a woman needs is a big pair of boobs. All else is unnecessary. They had him at hel-lo.

  43. A blind reveal says Jim Carrey & Lauren Holly....

    And did you read the reveal on Natalie Portman & Darren Aronofsky they say he's the baby's daddy....boy did she play everyone.......

  44. Yes, I suspected the Darren Aronfsky thing!!!! Thank God I am not the only one going crazy!

  45. Anonymous8:28 PM

    @MCH, gross.

  46. I'm a straight woman who could easily hold out on Brad Pitt. He's just not attractive to me at all. Decent actor, but he's all style and no substance imo.

  47. Bull!! Jen and Brad lived togethger for 2 years after they met and Jen told David Letterman she slept with him the first night of their blind date. No way Brad Pitt was celibate for 2 years.

    Jen's Dad said Brad wasn't eager to marry.

    The reason they rushed getting married was Jen told Brad she was pregnant. Of course she was lying!

  48. I think this has to be an old timer, not anyone from a younger generation.

  49. This is not Aniston/Pitt!

    Jen was engaged to Tate Donovan for 2 years. She was engaged to Brad for year and 1/2 after seeing him for 6 months and sleeping with him on their first (blind) date [as she revealed on national television.] Brad said he put the stone bathtub in his house because he and Jen were "hooking up strong" in 1998.

    TRUST! Brad had a far harder time getting into Angie's pant than Jen's.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. To bad Ben and Jen are together (for the blind). I could totally see Gardner making him wait, at least till all the tests came back negative....

  52. @mch: so i moved our convo over here and wrote a legit book about bonnaroo and fucking blogger failed to process it! i'm legit pissed!

    my fav shows were tenacious d and stevie wonder. tenacious d was just so much and ive loved them for so long it was just great to see them rock live. and stevie wonder was one of the best shows i have ever seen. he is an amazing performer. there were over 70k just high as hell, rocking out together, and stevie was hitting the right songs at the right time. to sound super lame, it was magical.

    yes i camped, and i'm camping again. this time though im going w friends (i went alone last year) and we are taking a pop-up so that will help. but honestly, i have never been so hot ever. it's just four days of perpetual sweating. and showers are not free (as oppossed to coachella, the only other camping fest i've been to) and the lines are crazy long. the one night i said 'f it' and took a bottle water shower behind my car lol.

    there are some hotels nearby but i'm not sure how 'nearby' that is. like i dont know what the in-out traffic is like everyday but i think biking is an option, not sure about walking.

    you just need to know what you are getting yourself in to. if you think you are going to stay fresh as a rose all weekend, you're insane. if you can be a sweaty dirty hippie for a few days, then you'll be good. the environment is so great and positive. i actually lost my wallet and someone turned it in with a nice note. people generally look out for each other and are 'generous' if you catch my drift :)

    but if you decide to go or have any questions, please feel free to ask! it's overwhelming the first time when you don't have anyone to ask.

  53. At Gawker it says that the actress was a VIRGIN until she got married. Hardly Jen Aniston.

  54. Kathryn: Ben married Jen because she was already pregnant... so that can't be them...

  55. for some reason, i'm thinking burt reynolds and loni anderson.

  56. Wow...morals. This is definitely worth writing a blind vice about, since very few people wait until they're married to have sex for the first time.

    In truth, I really don't get what the big deal is and why this is Blind Item worthy.

  57. @crila -- I just had to pipe up and say that premarital sex isn't immoral in most human eyes. Your comment seems like a passive aggressive way of insulting a biiiiig swath of the CDAN population. ;-)

    Premarital sex is like taking a car for a longish test drive, or slipping an expensive item on in the fitting room before the clerk swipes the card. Would you wear one pair of shoes for the rest of your life without at least walking around in them for a few minutes? No. I think not.

    Abuse, stealing, lying, otherwise inflicting harm = immoral. Waiting to have sex with mid-nineties era Brad Pitt = insane.

    I don't believe it's Brad and Jen, anyway, though.

  58. ^^lol! Totally agree, Ida!

  59. Brad and Jen fit nicely.

    I was also thinking Woody Allen and Louise Lasser, picturing Soon Yi in that last line.

    Of course, my dream answer would be Ernest Borgnine and Ethel Merman - if only the TV actress was Broadway actress.

  60. Ida, I <3 you. I'm going to be equating premarital sex with a longish test drive or a fitting room every time I talk about it now. So true.

  61. @valerie -- cheek kisses and a high five from me, doll. <3

  62. I totally agree with you, Ida. Where is Enty? I am bored and need gossip.

  63. If Jessica Simpson were considered an actress....

  64. Someone on set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith said the rule was, "If the trailer is a rockin, don't come a knockin." Angie doth protest too much about not being intimate with Brad until he was divorced.

  65. Agreed. Angie totally lied about waiting for Brad to be divorced from Jennifer. Too many people knew they were all up innit before the separation was even announced.

  66. BS!! I worked on MAMS and there wasn' t anything going on between Brad & Angie before he separated from Jen and for quite a while after. Just like BRAD PITT said, and Jennifer Aniston said, and Courteney Cox said and Angie said. There was also nobody on set saying anything about **** going on in trailers. AJ was with her son all the time she was free on set.

    And my 2 cents? Brad Pitt didn't date anyone for 2 & 1/2 years in 1998 who wasn't putting out. Jen was no good two-shoes anyway! She had been with a number of guys before Brad. She was 29 years old when they hooked up.

  67. @ Rita~ I know it is not Ben and Jen, but don't they need to guessed for every blind?

  68. Anonymous9:51 AM

    It is SO obviously Brad and Jen, that I'm thinking it must be somebody else. Could this be really old? Even older that Burt and Lonni?

    BTW Not test driving the ride before you buy is a big mistake, IMO.

    Actually I wish I'd been a little more promiscuous in high school, maybe then I wouldn't have married the first guy I slept with.

  69. crila--this is just a blind, not a blind vice. this isn't ted, and no one is saying waiting to have sex before marriage is a bad thing. :) waiting to knock boots before marriage is shocking now. tis the day and age.

  70. Kathleen - THANK YOU for saying that. I don't know why it's so hard for people to just accept there was no affair - haters goan hate, I guess.



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