Thursday, January 20, 2011

American Idol

So, I watched the first night. I figured I would give it a shot, just to see what the new season was like. Last season I did not even have to watch to know it was truly awful. This year promises to be better. I don't know if I will watch it every week, but Steven Tyler may make me change my mind. I love a guy who drops f bombs every couple of seconds. In a good way though, not in a mean, patronizing Gordon Ramsay kind of way.

He is definitely not a Simon Cowell. He actually seems like he is having fun, while Simon always seemed like he was counting the minutes until he could have his next cigarette and take a look at his moobs in the mirror.

Jennifer Lopez? I did not hate her. Did not love her either. I think she is a maybe so far. She has good chemistry with Steven, but I get the feeling she is struggling to contain her diva-ness and the only thing holding her back is the thought that this show is her last chance to make any kind of career. Her movies and songs suck, and this is the final roll of the dice. I just don't want to have to watch the inevitable Marc & J-Lo duet that will surely happen at some point this season.

Can you imagine Simon singing along with contestants? Steven is happy to.


ms snarky said...

I love me some Steven Tyler. An appealing train wreck of a rock superstar, hanging with the little people.

B626 said...
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B626 said...

Aside from the new judges,This season looks to be(again)lopsided with more female singers than with males.
How WILL the manipulative producers even it all out?

timebob said...

as soon as I saw them blowing smoke up awful singers asses I clicked off.

I'll try again tonight.

selenakyle said...



Love it.

Pookie said...

steven tyler brings a brand of cray-cray that i'm enjoying way more than paula's...oooh...and i totally agree w/ your assessment of jho.

Meg said...

I forgot to record it tonight. I wonder if I can catch up online??

I am interested to see the chemistry.

HannahPalindrome said...

I was so bored last night.
Miss you Simon!

Victoria? The happy teen was annoying.

The sad stories were boring.

The winner will be boring. Yawn.

Sherry R. said...

Steven Tyler was great & very enthusiastic, including some odd comments made to a few teenage girls.

I am a J-Lo fan and it was just so nice having her there instead of Kara.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I won't watch this show. I don't find it super interesting. Doesn't matter who was hosting.

RenoBlondee said...

I was surprised Jlo came off as likable and Steven seemed alot of fun. I'll try a couple more times, but if it's anything like last year I'm out!

Anothergrayhare said...

JLo needs to stop playing with her hair and Steven Tyler needs to be careful with the pedo comments. I'll watch it because I like the show, but even my teenagers thought it wasn't the same without crazy Paula and mean old Simon.

Maja With a J said...

I watched a few minutes of it and I do like Steven Tyler as a judge. I think he will be looking for something different, and he did seem like he was enjoying himself. As for J-Lo, I thought she came off as sweet, but clueless. But than again, I changed the channel when that girl from the Ivory Coast sang "Dress You Up". That's as far as I made it.

RocketQueen said...

If JLo wasn't involved I would watch for Steven Tyler although I only ever cared for Simon. I won't have anything to do with JLo or her pathetic attempts to rehabilitate her career or image. She's a superficial, nasty witch. Period.

shakey said...


I think half the people they let through should not have gone. JLo and her fake "oh this is so hard" routine. I bet she says no about a thousand times a day. And how could she possibly remember a contestant from Season 6 who was booted out in round 1. Unless it's the only episode she ever saw.

I like Steven. He is a breath of fresh air. I had to laugh when JLo was hugging Star Bra Girl and he turned to Randy and asked if he looked down, then they high-fived. LOL - he's a rocker alright.

sunnyside1213 said...

What in scary hell is she wearing?

chihuahuense said...

I don't watch the show, but I will to see if that girl in my class that bailed because "she is going to Hollywood" is going to be on there.

By the way, she is in class this semester, so she got cut somewhere down the line.

TONIc said...

Love Steven Tyler. Always have, always will.

Kathy K said...

I've always been a fan of the show, and I figured it had jumped the shark ...

... but doggone it, I liked it.

Steven Tyler is a very pleasant surprise, and his sing-along with that one guy was priceless. This is a guy who LOVES music, who KNOWS music, and clearly doesn't give a hoot about the Hollywood Way. If he can keep his nose clean (literally ... notice how often he touched it?), I think this season's going to be more fun and less predictable than they had become.

abigail7881 said...

Honestly, Steven should be the best as a judge. He's been in Aerosmith for what 40 years? He has the most experience out of the others COMBINED!!!


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