Thursday, January 14, 2010

Michael C Hall Has Cancer

If you are like me you must read hundreds of headlines a day, so you tend to skim over them looking for something interesting. It was quite a shock when I saw the headline that Michael C Hall of Dexter fame has cancer. In a statement released yesterday through his spokesperson, Hall said, "I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed with an imminently treatable and curable condition, and I thank my doctors and nurses for their expertise and care." All cancer is terrible, but at least the form of cancer he has is not only treatable but also curable.

Hall is suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the body's immune system. The cancer is currently in remission. That's great news. Oh, and they also managed to say that the fifth season of the show would start filming later this year. Always have to get that plug in don't they.


Ms Cool said...

I felt so sad to read that. I had a boyfriend die of leukemia and so did my grandfather - it is dreadful. I am glad that he is remission and has one of the more treatable forms.

I am sad that he can't enjoy his new success and marriage without something like this tainting it.

Kingrey said...

I'm very glad his health is improving. He's a great actor.

Unknown said...

I'm really glad that he's doing fine and what a great attitude. Still, was he ill during the previous season f dexter?!...It didn't show, great actor

jax said...

didn't Nate have that on Six Feet Under? sad.

RocketQueen said...

I think you're right, Jax! I miss that show. I find Michael C. Hall so much sexier on Dexter than I did on that show - he was always pasty and nervous - I really see his range now.

Green Wave Gal said...

My dad had that. It usually strikes men in their 30's. Back then it was treatable too, but they didn't know the long-term effects of the harsh chemo/radiation used at the time. :(

Now the treatments are much less harsh long-term.

MnGddess said...

I was so conditioned to believe that the word "cancer" was an automatic death sentence I used to hate even seeing the word in print. What scares me even more is the treatment. Does anyone realize that the 2 main treatments to combat cancer are poisonous? I truly believe as many people die from the treatment and not the disease. I also think that one's state of mind is critical to successful treatment. Good luck to Michael.

jax said...

mng...and chemo/radiotion only works for 3 types of cancer..the rest its useless.

joy behar quoted someone,sorry i forget who, but he said "They will never find a cure for cancer, it makes too much money trying to 'cure' people without it."

i believe it.

Green Wave Gal said...

@ mngddess: we cross-posted. It's so true. At least now they know more about the treatments. My dad had it in 1979-ish and is suffering the effects of the radiation now. :(

Pookie said...

love this guy. god be w/ him.

Ice Angel said...

Thanks for posting this Ent. I love Dexter and MCH. I wish him a speedy recovery.

BTW...I just love that picture of him....took me a while to notice something was a little "off."

sunnyside1213 said...

Ice Angel, it took awhile too. I love his show.

Unknown said...

I thought he looked much thinner during the last season and "tired" looking throughout. I am so sorry it happened to him but glad he has health insurance and was able to be diagnosed and treated so quickly and will recover. So many people in this country to not have that luxury now.

nancer said...

of course cancer treatments are poisonous. the whole point is to kill the malignant, rapidly-dividing cells. that doesn't mean these drugs will kill you, though.
there's a whole dirty story, IMO, about chemo and the money oncologists make for pushing it. my beef is that they convince people who should be coming to terms with their impending death to take these drugs and keep 'hope' alive. there's a point where that's useless and oncologists (for the most part) won't tell you that because they make money when they prescribe the drugs.

MC will be fine. chemo will SAVE his life.

Momster said...

My father is suffering from non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Yes his radiation treatments have made him ultra-tired and a little sick, but I've had several extra years to spend with him.

Get well, MCH. You've got a long career ahead of you!

Icecat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icecat said...

@Jax & RocketQueen - No that is not what Nate had on SFU. Charlie (Matthew Fox) had that type of Cancer on Party of Five. Now, I'm going to go and shoot myself for knowing that info. :)

This news gave me the sads. I love love MCH...Great Actor!
Here's wishing a speedy recovery and good health.

MCH said...

I haven't started watching Dexter yet (had to finish that pesky Gilmore Girls series first) but I Have heard this show is awesome. I'm so sad for be so young and have this. Praying for a speedy recovery for him.

Ickenham said...

Almost certainly a near-homophone error to be attributed to someone who wrote or transcribed that statement.

Specifically, "imminently" ought to read "eminently"


Mr. Hall was the subject of a "Kindness" posting here at CDAN. Hoping he is swiftly restored to full health.

amh.producer said...

what was the kindness? Love him AND the kindness!

Ickenham said...


Blind Items Revealed
December 12, 2008


#2 - I guess this actor is considered an A list television actor although honestly, it is just the name of the show everyone remembers. Anyway, our actor spends about 5 hours a week every week at local hospitals reading to kids who are there and playing games with them.


#2 - Michael C. Hall

amh.producer said...

aww, thanks for posting!

Unknown said...

I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins at 24...and six years later I'm in remission and no recurrence (and yes I did chemo/radiation). There is a lot of hope and Hodgkins is very curable particularly when caught early, so yay for MCH-there will always be debate and reasons for chemo and not, but for me, it saved my life and I'm grateful to the doctors.

PJ Nelson said...

Hodgkins is much kinder than non-Hodgkins, which my father died from. I wish him good luck. But I hate when people use the word cure in association with cancer - because there is none... Once a cancer patient - always a cancer patient and every day becomes precious.

Choice said...

A very sexy man. I loved him in SIX FEET UNDER too. Get well Michael.

Donna said...

Love Dexter.

Green Wave Gal said...

@Theresa-So good to hear you're doing well!

I agree with PJ-there's treatment, but no cure. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks GWG!

We do like to say "cure" if you've been in remission for more than 5 years; it does depend on your doctor. Trust me, it's a mental thing-it can be harder to say "Remission" at age 30, and constantly thinking I'll never really be cured and waiting for that other shoe to drop, than it is to say "Cured" and go for tests, and kind of just live normally.

Natasha said...

As someone who has been inremission for 8 years from hodgkins, I live with the fear that it will come back. I relasped and ended up getting a stem cell transplant and radiation to the neck and chest. Each day is a blessing.


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