Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Glamour Magazine Has Gone Insane

I know the entire publishing industry is hurting right now. Newspapers are closing or going to online only, and magazine ad sales are down almost 50% in some cases. Therefore, I understand that a magazine might try and pull a gimmick to generate some extra sales to translate into ad dollars, but putting Miley Cyrus on the cover of Glamour is not it. Oh, I'm sure in the past Glamour has probably had a 16 year old model on the cover, but they probably looked 25, and no one knew they were 16.

Glamour is an "adult" magazine that has sold out now and doesn't care about their reputation, only sales. Glamour is hoping though that by putting Miley on the cover tweens all over the US will buy the magazine and jolt their sales. Umm, yeah. So, what do you tell your 12 year old child when they want to buy Glamour and you have to discuss with them, "25 Things You Do Guys Secretly Love And Six That Freak Them Out."

They are also going to show your tweener 131 ways for them to get a better body and how to lose 8 pounds this month. Nothing like starting those image issues early in life. Of course maybe Glamour isn't trying to boost sales through kids. Maybe they think all of you are anxiously awaiting the issue to come out because you can't wait to read all about how Miley thinks she and Justin Gaston are perfect together and how he is the most respectful person she has ever known and how she loves both Angelina and Jen equally.

Oh, and if that isn't enough, you can also read about how she has not been this happy in many years. She is 16. WTF? If you are 16 and getting paid millions of dollars a year, every damn day should be a happy day. I don't want to hear anyone complaining who is in that situation about anything.


palealebrew10 said...

That is one of the most annoying photos I've ever seen of her. Looks like she's got a case of the ceiling eyes here, too.

mooshki said...

The word "Glamour" combined with that photo is pretty funny.

Jungle007 said...

...and all the adults with a subscription to Glamour are going to be taking out the recycling early this week...

Goodgrief said...

If I had a subscription, I would request my money back because I sure wouldn't be reading it.

oceanic6er said...

she is fug azz,go away miley miles away!

captivagrl said...

I started buying fashion related mags at 12. Cosmo had racier articles than these. I was interested in the clothes. I'm not sure if she's "glamour" but I don't see the harm. Parents will decide what their girls buy and read. BTW Tatum O'Neal did the Rolling Stone cover when she was 10.

Anonymous said...

I think it's inappropriate for a kid to be on the cover of a magazine with the type of adult content these articles indicate, and kids who are 13, 14, 15 will find a way to get it if they want it.

As for Tatum O'Neal on RS, I won't dissect it other than to point out that Ryan O'Neal is her father, a guy who makes BRC look far.

LauraM said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get the appeal of Miley. Her show is dumber than even the California Dreams of my childhood, and that one wasn't even popular.

KellyLynn said...

Dude, I nearly thought this was an April Fools joke (not that I've been duped today, or anything...)

mooshki said...

Speaking of April fools, I have a great prank if you're looking for one. If your prankee uses an optical mouse, get a small post-it note and write "April Fools" on it, and stick it over the eye on the bottom of the mouse. The mouse will still move smoothly, but it won't send any info to your screen. At the very least, they'll probably check the mouse cable a few times and reboot the computer before they get around to flipping the mouse over and seeing the note. One of my co-workers didn't figure it out until she was in the middle of a conversation with our tech guy. She dropped the f-bomb, and said "never mind." It was pretty funny. (Well, to me - she still hasn't forgiven me.)

Impertinent Vixen said...

Mooshki, I'd like to put a Miley-sized post-it right over her chipmunk face.

mikey said...

Things were different back in the day when we had Tiger Beat magazine. That's where she belongs - if anywhere. *They* keep pushing these kids into older situations and trying to justify it. Just ask her 20 year old boyfriend.

mooshki said...

Vixen, can we put in on the real Miley and write "Kick Me" on it?

canadachick said...

not that i like miley but think back....waaaaaaaaaaaaay back - when you were 16 wouldn't you have dated a 20 year old if you could've gotten away with it ?? i sure would have. And when you think that the kids today are way more..ahem ...advanced than some of us were, its lucky he's only 20 and not..40. so being on a cover of a magazine isnt that big a leap for someone who's one of the most recognizable 'stars' to any age group

Bad Momma said...

Why not? My 3 boys (ages 8 - 12) get to see Viva Viagra & other commercials for erectile disfunction drugs that are seen during Prime-Time. They even sing the Viva Viagra jingle! In public... I was swelling with pride... just like Happy Bob!

mikey said...

canadachick - I may have tried but I wouldn't have gotten away with it - lol. My point was more that no one seems to think anything these star teens do is inappropriate for their age.

Bad Momma - The visual makes me laugh. I have boys, older now, it doesn't get any better. When they get a little older, they'll sing it in 3 part harmony, accompanied by piano (if you have a player - all those lessons went to good use).

Anonymous said...

I used to subscribe to Glamour and Cosmo, both have almost the same stuff. So if you buy Cosmo it's like reading Glamour.

Regarding Ms. Chipmunk I wouldn't waste my money in whatever she appears at. She is very annoying.

MT said...

I agree that Miley shouldn't be on the cover... along with that, that's is a terrible (Photoshopped) picture. The face just looks creepy. ;)

Anonymous said...

MT, it does look weird. Her head looks bigger than her body. Bad photoshop hahaha.

lutefisk said...

I think if I had a subscription to Glamour, this would cause me to cancel it.
My kids aren't interested in reading about her, why do they think anyone over the age of 13 would care?

City Councilman Doug said...

Soak it up now, honey.

I work with kids and they are done with her.

They are into Lady Gaga now.

Not sure what that says.

Huge manatee, anyone?

Sporky said...

I used to like Glamour only for the fashion "Do" and "Don't" portion on the last page, when you'd see some poor random woman wearing daisy dukes while crossing a street in some city, with her butt hanging out, or some someone with the toilet seat cover trailing behind them. They'd put a big black bar over their eyes, but you could always tell basically what they looked like. And I always breathed a huge sigh of relief when it wasn't me. :)

ahdaboom said...

this is miley's "fuck you" to the jonas boy that dicked her and went out with the wizard's of waverly place chick.

abigail7881 said...

DNfromMN said...

I don't get the appeal of Miley. Her show is dumber than even the California Dreams of my childhood, and that one wasn't even popular.

Hey! I liked California Dreams... Liked it better than Hang Time!


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