Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - Chastity? What chastity? Done it, done it, not done it.

#2 - So, let me get this straight. You, formerly a C list film actress known for one thing, or more specifically two if you get my meaning. Television? Sure, but not a series per se. Anyway, you left your husband after finding, and introducing your replacement to him thinking you could do much better without him. Since then, nothing. Except for that one television thing. You like to pretend you are this and that and doing great, but we all know what you are doing at each event you go to and how any single guy with a couple of bucks or a married guy with more than a couple of bucks just instantly becomes your best friend, hopefully for more than a night, but it really hasn't turned out that way has it? Meanwhile, divorce settlement money is gone and there isn't any other money coming in from anything else except your friends. Well you still have your looks. Kind of.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    well, #1 is the Jonas Bros.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    #1 Jonas bros

  3. Aw the JB!
    I'm taking my little brother to see them this saturday.

    Lying fools. Just keep your damn traps shut if you can't keep it in your pants. Actually, just keep quiet anyway. It's nobodies business until you make it that way by claiming to be chaste.

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    #2 sounds like Jessica Simpson

  5. Anonymous1:35 PM

    #2's got me somewhat stumped. I just don't think Jessica has hit prostitution status yet - not that it WON'T happen eventually....

  6. #1- Jonas Brothers

    #2- Shannon Elizabeth

  7. Denise Richards, #2?

  8. Is Pamela Anderson too obvious for #2 b/c Jessica Simpson wouldn't have been on the receiving end of the settlement $$, no?

  9. silly me Pammy started on Baywatch.

    1- jonas douches.
    2- Shannon Elizabeth (tv for dancing with the twats,not a series)

  10. I was reading #2 as Denise Richards. But on second thought, no.

  11. I was reading #2 as Denise Richards. But on second thought, no.

  12. Actually, Denise Richards is the better guess.

  13. I see I am not the first to think "Jonas Brothers" for #1.

    I have no idea about number two. I don't think it's Pamela Anderson, because she definitely was on a TV series (Baywatch), it's what made her famous.

    Shannon Elizabeth? Brooke whatserface?

  14. Number 2 sounds like Shannon Elizabeth, who was known for getting naked as the foreign exchange student in American Pie. She was married a million years ago and has since gotten divorced. No idea what she is up to now.

  15. For #2-hows about Shanna Mokler? The girl married to the Blink 182 drummer, reality show, former Miss America...
    For #1-please-that could be anyone from high school musical to Disney shows or any nickelodeon show.

  16. Anonymous1:43 PM

    1 - LMAO - def the Jonas Bros, the question is which one hasn't? The youngest is the one that dated Miley Cyrus, I think, so am not ruling him out.

    2 - I think Jessica paid out during the divorce, so I don't think it's her. Denise sounds like a good guess?

  17. 1. JB's, agreed. Do they get a refund on the rings?

    2. Who was the replacement? Maybe we could figure out it this way..don't think it's Jess though

  18. #2 - Carmen Electra?

  19. I thought Shannon Elizabeth was the breadwinner.

  20. Why do these kids even bother with "waiting for marriage"? First of all, why would you ever want to do that? And secondly, none of them ever keep their word.....becasue they are human, and, know.....

  21. Carmen Electra?

  22. Denise has $ coming in from her reality show, plus 2 kids from Charlie, so I'm sure she's at least getting hefty child support payments.
    I'm leaning more towards Shannon Elizabeth.

  23. #1 - Miley Cyrus

    In the new Vanity Fair they have an interview with her and she talks about her purity ring as her testament to virginity. LOL.

  24. Number 1 is Miley. She claims to be a virgin also.

  25. The Jessica Simpson guess in combo with "television" reminded me of That '70s Show. I didn't watch Newlyweds, so I thought she was actually acting. Poor, naive me.

  26. Absolutely no way Miley & her JB haven't had sex. At least I hope to god they aren't doing that "everything but" bullshit.

  27. The blind can't be Simpson, because she did not start off as a C-list film actress. It was the other way around for her. Same criteria for Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra (Baywatch/TV first).

    Shannon Elizabeth was married to a pro poker player named Joe Reitman (no idea if he's related to director Ivan Reitman though).
    Wiki says he's now in a relationship with another pro poker player: Annie Duke. Could Shannon have made that introduction? Shannon makes the rounds on celeb poker circuit. So this could be the answer to the blind.

    But Denise Richards isn't a bad guess either. Both started out in film, C-List, and now scrape the reality TV barrel.

  28. I'm interpreting #1 to mean that Miley has done 2 of the 3 Jonases....

    #2 is a tough one....

  29. No-- I think #1 means 2/3's of the Jonas brothers are liars. But I do think maybe Miley fits in somewhere with them.
    What are their ages?????

  30. #2 Has to be an actress famous for a nice rack. "known for one thing, specifically two".

  31. I agree that #2 is someone like Denise Richards or Shannon Elizabeth. However, this person would have to fit the other clues and also have married UP in order to get the divorce settlement. Denise doesn't fit the clues and Shannon didn't marry UP. According to IMDB her husband was a bit actor who put his career on hold to further hers. He even sued her to get half of the marital assets. No mention of his being related to Ivan Reitman.

  32. #2 - I thought that "known for two things" meant big boobs, yes? Are denise and shannon E. known for their boobs?

  33. 1 - Jonas brothers
    2 - Shannon or Denise

  34. 'not a series per se' would surely rule out Denise Richards, as she has a reality show = series.

    We've had a similar BI before, about an actress chasing guys with money at events. Don't know if it's the same person though.

  35. "I'm interpreting #1 to mean that Miley has done 2 of the 3 Jonases...."

    LOL! I wouldn't be surprised.

    I think Shannon is definitely known for her boobies.

  36. Ms Snarky

    yes she is and she is also pretty much *only* known for her role in American Pie

  37. "I'm interpreting #1 to mean that Miley has done 2 of the 3 Jonases...."

    oh, I took it to mean oral & anal but not vaginal.

  38. I agree: Two of three JB's have done it but perhaps not the youngest, and you can include Miley Cyrus in there as being one of their conquests.

  39. The thing is, Shannon had been doing the poker circuit for a while before DWtS and was doing reasonably well. But yeah, she does fit.

  40. #1 miley

    #2 shauna sands

  41. I'm on board with the Shannon Elizabeth guess. Didn't she go topless in American Pie hence the "two" reference? She didn't have any kids with that dude and you know Denise is pulling down some serious child support from Charlie. Did she ever get a settlement? I could see her pulling a Tara Reid and hooking overseas for some cash. LOL

  42. #2 is not, repeat is not denise richards, she has an incredible settlement that includes residuals from syndication from chucks current show. she couldn't blow that money if she tried.
    pammy is a good guess tho.

  43. You folks are dumbasses. Number 2 is Sharon Stoned.

  44. Ummmmm...When did Ent start letting Ted Casablanca write the Blinds? I prefer my gossip straight, not stirred, not shaken. If I wanted a fruity daquiri-colada-margarita with an umbrella and a Jimmy Buffet song, I'd catch a plane down to OK! Magazineville.

  45. Shannon Elizabeth was a semi regular on that 70's show.

  46. #2 sounds like Jessica Simpson

    No her father has licensed her name to a huge shoe company, and they are cute. Clothing, scents. All sorts of different things she will be wealthy the rest of her life if she stopped working today. She paid Lachey not the other way around

    Denise Richards

    She nailed a portion of Charlie
    Sheen's residual earning from his series in the divorce, thought to be around 52 mil over it's lifetime for her alone. She will never need to work on her back another day of her life.

    Shuana Mokler

    Gets money from Oscar De La Hoya and Travis for the kids, it's said to be very healthy in terms of child support. She will be to old to work on her back by the time the money runs out there.

    Shauna Sands has the ugliest boobs in the world her nipples are huge and saggy there were a bunch of pics of her drunk with her nips hanging out, along with her puss. Nasty.

    Somebody from the 90 c list, sort of no career now. I am looking but there are so many actresses that had 2 or 3 films and then nothing.

  47. I haven't been a regular on this site for too long, but the "prostitution" thing threw me for a loop.

    ENT wrote: "we all know what you are doing at each event you go to and how any single guy with a couple of bucks or a married guy with more than a couple of bucks just instantly becomes your best friend, hopefully for more than a night, but it really hasn't turned out that way has it?"

    I took that to mean she's a golddigger, not pro. Is this ENT speak for hooker?

    Maybe some people don't differentiate between the two, but it kinda makes a difference to me.

  48. Dang it, I read these and I was like "yes! I think I finally know both" annnd apparently so does everyone else haha

    jumpin' on the Jonas Brothers train for #1, which I find hilarious, because any guy their age getting the attention they're getting can't keep thinking with their actual brain for too long. Jumping on for S.E. for #2 also

  49. er left out "since they claim to be pure christian boys" after the "hilarious". Long day, brain fart, my bad.

  50. No. 1 is for sure the Jonas Bros. A couple days ago a guy claimed he'd hacked Miley Cyrus' phone and downloaded text messages and photos from it. He released one photo of her standing under the shower in a wet t-shirt. He claims he's got messages from her to her Jonas Bros. boyfriend talking about when they had sex.

  51. What about Meg Ryan???

    Two things = lips?
    Introduced Russell Crowe to Dennis Quaid.

    TV - 2 episodes of The Simpsons in 2007

  52. I like Sharon Stone for number 2

  53. Obviously, #1 is the three Jonas Brothers, and certainly a knock to Miley who would suck and blow anything.

    #2 is not Denise Richards who is loaded. It has to be someone who is childless, like Carmen Electra, but she has been so many blind items. She is the one that is hooking her way for $50K outside of the country for a week, and I think Enty made that clear.

    Formerly a C List Actress, but not a series per se. Could be a reality whore like Shannen.

  54. Anonymous8:46 PM

    anne hesche

  55. For #2 I'm going with Carmen E.

  56. Anonymous8:52 PM

    ok- SOO #2
    BIg boobs,
    Can't be PAMELA anderson because she had VIP, and striperella, and a bunch of other shit.

    Divorced big tittied...

  57. Can't be Sharon Stone -- she has one film just completed, one in production, one in preproduction and one in postproduction -- she's still working pretty steadily.

    AND she's probably pulling in child support for her first child with her husband.

    This has to be someone without children who blew through her divorce money and is now trolling for a new man to support her.

    Shannon Elizabeth fits because of the one tv thing. I guess.

  58. "Well, you still have your looks. Kind of." Seems like it'd be someone older like Stone or Heche. Scratch Stone if she's working a lot though. May be Heche, although I think she'd have been the one to pay out in her divorce.

  59. Heche has/had a television series.

    Shannon Elizabeth has a fair amount of television: beside the recurring role on That 70's Show, she was series regular on "Cuts" which was cancelled in the UPN/CW merge. Ent doesn't say network television, he says "no series".

    I agree the JB for #1 but I'm lost on #2. I agree it had to be someone who married up at the time but thought she could do better but was not sucessful enough to do without a divorce settlement.

  60. "Ummmmm...When did Ent start letting Ted Casablanca write the Blinds?"

    Yeah, some of these have been pushing the limits of comprehensibility lately. Ted C's word herpes is spreading!

    nunaurbiz, I agree. A pro is a pro. Being a golddigger is more morally gray. Even traditional marriage has elements of selling a woman to a man. I can see Shannon being a golddigger, but not an out-and-out sex-for-pay gal.

    "...she was series regular on "Cuts" which was cancelled in the UPN/CW merge."

    I don't think Ent would count that as "real" tv. :) Hell, a lot of people argue in the comments about whether a CW show counts as a "real" show for the A-F designations.

    I'd say Heche & Stone would both be better known for being batshit crazy than for their twins. :) (Though I will always love Heche for playing Vicky/Marley.)

  61. do I miss Another World. :D That was the ONLY thing I ever liked her in.

  62. I agree with equinox that the three responses could refer easily to orifices, not individuals.

    I wouldn't hate on the Boys if they broke their pledge (pref. Joe, with me...JK, JK), but they are awfully sweet, awfully supervised, awfully busy, and just awkward enough that I still buy them being virgins.

    Anyway, I think pledges are best at getting you to adulthood (as opposed to marriage) without doing something stupid. To each their own.

  63. what about Ellen Barkin? EL says in random photos "She isn't a wax doll or someone trying to do an Ellen Barkin impression." i looked her up on IMDB she doesnt really have any notable awards besides an Emmy win in 1998. She did a mini-series - "not a series per se"?? and she's divorced from Perelman? She sold all the jewelry he gave her to embarrass him? IDK.

  64. Ellen Barkin's a GREAT guess! I think you got it, Mr. Chompers.

  65. my roommate went to their concert and verified that her best friend dated one of the brothers and they slept together.

  66. "...still have your looks. Kind of."

    Carmen Electra is still gorgeous. Its not her.

  67. #1 is Miley C. and I bet the fact that she's not a virgin is revealed very soon via leaked emails or text msgs.

  68. #1 is obv JB, people -- that's why there are 3 "done it/not done it"s.

    #2 - There was a tabloid story a year or two ago about an actress that introduced her ex- to a friend of hers that he's now dating/married to. That's probably who the blind is about. Does anyone remember who that was?



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