Monday, July 07, 2008

Sarah Larson Pregnant?

So, on Friday night in Vegas, Sarah Larson was supposed to be at the opening of Christian Audigier's nightclub there, which is named Christian Audiegier. Small penis anyone?

Anyway, Sarah Larson, the former girlfriend of George Clooney who this weekend said it is really hard work to look sexy 24 hours a day, was at one point supposed to be the new face of Christian Audiegier's clothing line. I don't know if this was contingent on her putting out or a breast reduction or what, but I do know she was supposed to be in Vegas on Friday.

Well, lo and behold Sarah wasn't there. Nope. Instead she was in San Diego hiding out and instead of getting ready to be the new face of small penis dude, she instead is sitting in San Diego pregnant. I know, I know it does seem kind of odd that she would first get pregnant at all, and then second, that it would be that quick. I mean how heartbroken could she be if she is already knocked up with some guy's baby, and third, it isn't exactly like job offers are everywhere so you would think she would keep this one. I mean come on. The guy has a nightclub named after him. Those always work don't they? I mean just ask Paris Hilton. Oh, what? Oh, it's closing. Didn't know that. Well, lets just pretend I didn't write that last sentence and speculate as to why Sarah didn't show up where the money is.

Oh, unless she is pregnant by someone good or involved in a Verne Troyer 3some, I think this is the last of Sarah Larson.


lutefisk said...

How pregnant can she be? Didn't she need to recover from her augmentation?

I do hope this is the last of her.

mooshki said...

Jeez, that was a fast rise and fall. Way to blow your 15 minutes.

kris said...

good, i'm tired of her anyway...

Seachica said...

How long ago did she break up with Clooney? Could she be preggers with his kid?

Unknown said...

What am I missing here? What if its Clooney's?

Sydney in Wonderland said...

I'm confused, too. Do we know it's not Clooney's? I mean, that would be "someone good," and better than being within 20 feet of Verne Troyer.

Anonymous said...

She has to be first trimester but as skinny as she is, if she's showing, she may be early 2nd trimester. Meaning it could very well be Clooney's. I like Clooney but being he's somewhat a womanizer, I'd have to give Sarah mad props for finagling that one. Hell...when you don't have talent and ambition, well, what alternatives are left? And since my karma has sucked lately, I'm sure it's Clooneys because that would keep this bimbo cluttering up my gossip columns for the next several years.

sillyme said...

I feel like I'm really missing something here, too. What were all the small penis references about?

Dick Insideu said...

Couldn't be Clooney's baby - he packs fudge, not ovaries.

Q: Why haven't we heard anything about Ted Kennedy recently?

A: He's a fucking dying vegetable.

nicola said...
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nicola said...
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wenx said...

I'm at work and unfortunately can't dig back a few weeks--but wasn't there a blind recently about how a woman got dumped by her celeb boyfriend b/c she was wanting to get pregnant; calling his family and hinting there would be a baby, etc.? And the speculation at the time was that it might be George/Sarah?

Or maybe I'm just hallucinating after a loooong weekend....

nicola said...
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shoe addict said...

I believe I read a confusing blind from lainey that sarah's pregnancy was the reason she and clooney broke up; because unbeknownst to sarah, george can't have kids (vasectomy)?
1) They broke up so abruptly because her pregnancy meant she was cheating, got pregnant and tried to put it off on george. Thats the only way this could make sense.
2) even if she did get pregnant after she & clooney broke up she could have still went to the opening cuz she wouldnt be showing. Theory #1 it is....

Y D Shine said...

It could very well be Clooney's couldn't it? After all, People didn't announce their split until May 29, 2008. Unless EL knows something no one else does, such as they weren't intimate in the last few months of their relationship or they split way before the official announcement.

Or maybe EL knows what I've always suspected - that GC's on the DL/gay, and Sarah was just fronting for him ....

Ms. said...

The guy named his nightclub after himself. Cheezy move, at best. He's over compensating for some perceived shortcoming. Ent is speculating he's over compensating for having a small penis.

Unknown said...

wenx said...
I'm at work and unfortunately can't dig back a few weeks--but wasn't there a blind recently about how a woman got dumped by her celeb boyfriend b/c she was wanting to get pregnant; calling his family and hinting there would be a baby, etc.? And the speculation at the time was that it might be George/Sarah?

Yes - It was Lainey's Why He's Single...

kris said...

bah...we've already given her too much time on this...15 minutes OVER.

Tea Lady said...

It would be interesting if it were George's baby. ENT doesn't say how pregnant she is...end of May was less than a trimester ago and first timers often don't show for awhile...

califblondy said...

I thought George was the popular BI guess for the guy who won't have sex with his GF's. Whether he abstains or is good with a condom, there has to be a reason why George hasn't impregnanted at least ONE woman after all these years.

I don't think for one minute that GC is the babydaddy.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

I can't remember where I read it -- could have been here -- but I recall something about how Clooney HAD impregnated Krista Allen (was that her name?) once or twice. He always sent her away for an abortion or something, and she was dunb-in-love enough to do it for him. No?

MnGddess said...

You know, Georgie could have gotten a vasectomy all those years ago to combat any woman who would try to use pregnancy as a way to reel him in. I know many a man who does NOT want children. My husband wanted two and after he (and me) got one of each, practically RAN out the door to get snipped.

And, for the record, I have a relative in the business who runs across him in many circles and says he ain't gay. He loves the women.

So, it could go either way.

MnGddess said...

Oh, and maybe Sarah Larson's preggo's by Christian Audigier. She's gotta snag fresh meat ASAP...

MnGddess said...
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Unknown said...

the vasectomy there a failure rate for a vasectomy? Seems like it would be hard to screw up a snip, but weirder things have happened, I guess.

kris said...

I also thought I read they GC and SL actually broke up sooner than reported but was helping get her career started so he could send her on her way without guilt - or something to that affect.

You'd think he'd be WAY careful not to get any of them preggers...

lyz said...

Clooney isn't a dummy. I feel sure that he wouldn't get a girl preggo...He's probably the poster boy for vasectomies. Nice timing on her part though....there will be 9 months of speculation...I imagine she'll keep the baby-daddy anonymous as an attempt to keep her name associated with Intern George's.

janine said...

Brenda, I'm sure there is. I was born 7 years after my mother had her tubes tied.

MnGddess said...

Oh, and NICE scoop, Enty! No one else has this on their sites.

Which could be a good or a bad thing.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Haha, I actually know a couple that had their three planned children and, having heard the "horror" stories of vasectomies failing on occasion, decided they should both be snipped and tied. Then, eight years later, another baby girl graced their family. Everyone that knew was in awe.

lutefisk said...

Here's a thought, what if she was fronting George, got pregnant by someone else while being his "girlfriend", he found out & dumped her, & those weren't implants, but pregnancy boobs. He won't say anything badd about her, & in turn, she keeps silent.

mooshki said...

Lyz - you're a fug girl, yay!

If there was the slightest chance he was the babydaddy, there's no way she would've let him go.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

I totally agree with mooshki -- not only would she have not let him go, but she'd be selling her story to the tabloids by now. We'd know all about big, bad George's love child... unless, of course, he took her back and made nicey-nicey.

bionic bunny! said...

both tubal ligation and vasectomies can fail, but usually its ectopic pregnancy for ligation (not always), and after a long time its pretty unusual for a vasectomy to "grow back". but i wouldn't say ANYTHING is impossible!

Mel said...

She's nothing but trouble. I hope Clooney's learnt is lesson.

Unknown said...

If she's pregnant by George and he's dumped her, wouldn't we be seeing another Tom Brady/Bridget Moynahan baby mama drama???

Merlin said...

Two different sites have said she was at Tao on Friday night - unless she went to San Deigo on Saturday?

kasnecka said...

Where did you hear he had a vasectomy? It's not in Lainey's blind.

Would anyone put it past her to put pinholes ih their condoms or something equally sneaky?

It sure would explain why she wouldn't need to go out and make money at the new nightclub--she might just be sitting on the "golden egg" (or embryo) and doesn't want to jeopardize the pregnancy.

Thought it was strange, too, that Ent was so sure she's pregnant. No hint of uncertainty.

dancersmom said...

What about the blind where the girl ran an ad to interview male candidates to get her pregnant. I seem to remember she set up in an apartment in SanDiego with her manager or friend to conduct the screening of candidates, but then I think she decided the boyfriend was re-committed to her so she stopped the search. At the time we thought it was Jessica Simpson. Could it have been Sarah? I cannot remember how long ago that blind ran! Help anyone?

Mother Campfire said...

I took this entire thing as a joke...

Unknown said...

George had a vasectomy years ago, it's kind of well known. I have no idea why that was such a strangely written blind item. Actually if you read it again, it could insinuate that Christian Audiegier is the father. I would imagine with her profession she'd be swimming in birth control.

It's just one of those strange items. I do agree without this modeling gig, she's going to live off her small settlement from Clooney, and be back slinging drinks at the Palms again. What an idiot.

And you can get pregnant after a brest enhancement surgery. She supposedly got the surgery in Apr/May recovery. Porn stars are back at work within weeks.

Unknown said...

If it was George she would be ALL over the media letting everyone know. so I don't think its him..

Unknown said...

If it was George she would be ALL over the media letting everyone know. so I don't think its him..

nunaurbiz said...

Well, girlfriend had to do SOMETHING. Not many people were buying the whole "I'm almost 30 and I'm gonna be a top model" thing!

farmgirl said...

@ adrian -
I like your theory - it covers all the bases to me.

Is it possible Enty's just screwing with us after his wonderful performance on Friday?? Something to get our juices flowing?

Wil said...

Hum .. I am trying to remember the particulars here .. but wasn't there a BI somewhere about a gal being in SD trying to get knocked up by strangers who looked like her BF so she could pass the kid off as his??

Maybe that might explain the whole deal with Larson and George? Or not .. like I said ... I can't remember the details of the BI.. : /

And .. just as a side note .. I do so enjoy coming here to read the comments. My life isn't too great right now and there are some wickedly funny folks who post here who always brighten my day. Thank you one and all ..

lutefisk said...

farmgirl--we'll know if there is a baby, when it is born. It will probably be a "preemie" if it is born too close to when she was dating George.
There obviously can't be any overlap
It just doesn't make sense that they were done 1,2,3, & all the sudden she is pregnant.
Interesting how George Clooney has been totally out of site these past few weeks.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Adrian, you just solved the big, overarching question for us: Ent is George Clooney! And/or Jennifer Garner / Jenna Fischer. Or just a lawyer. :/

lutefisk said...

I don't know--they all seem to have plenty of free time on their hands to post, & an insider's connection!!!

plot said...

Clooney isn't gay, y'all. He likes the working girls and says as much.

Lissa said...

Adrian, I love your guess. I thought the whole, George dating a waitress/stripper/whatever she is was strange. She was probably hired to get the mini-van majority off of his back about always being single. Then she got knocked up. I really want to find that blind about the girl trying to interview babby daddys also.

I bet George made her sign something so she can't ever spill anything about their relationship.

lutefisk said...

Lissa--I'm sure all these celebs who hire their companions/girlfriends/boyfriends, etc make them sign something.
Look at Nicole Kidman--she never alluded to anything about her marriage. She got her fame & career, which was probably their agreement for sticking it out for almost 10 years.
I have nothing against George, he just has his PR playing up his playboy image way too much. I don't see any other single celeb men tagged as "confirmed bachelors".

Lissa said...

Very true. Isn't it funny that not one woman has come forward about "being" with him. He is very careful. I don't see him being careless enough to get her pregnant.

farmgirl said...

"confirmed bachelor"!!
Boy you cut to the quick, Adrian! You are right - who are the people you know that can be described as confirmed bachelors?
In my family's jargon = gay guy.
BTW - what do you all think about Warren Beatty? Wasn't he a confirmed bachelor? Now he has like 100 kids . . .
Oh crap - I contradicted myself again
Suffice it to say, here in the boonies any gossip is good gossip!

Anonymous said...

Jesus people, what, the man can't be bisexual? Isn't that the easiest explanation for why we hear so much about his same sex and opposite sex proclivities? Dude likes it all.

lutefisk said...

badfish--you are probably right--I think he started with women, & either now hits for both teams, or just goes with his own.
And Farmgirl--when Warren Beatty was young, he had long term relationships with bonafide celebs--Joan Collins, Julie Christie,Natalie Wood, Diane Keaton... no reality stars, French models, etc. They had nothing to gain by being with him, except maybe being in a film with him, but they were stars on their own. I think the women Warren was with were all hoping they would be "the one" to tame him.
Clooney just seems to get these erstwhile women that don't have much going on till they are tagged Clooney's girlfriend.

trashtalker said...

Nah, it's not that blind y'all are thinking of. That woman was described as a Top 40 singer.

I like both shoe addict's and adrian's theories. Similar, yet with different undertones.

Seems Sarah told friends she wants to get pregnant before she turns 30 because her "biological clock is ticking." So she was going to do it with or without George.

DetroitRocker said...

Ok if and I say IF Sara is pregnant with George's baby, she is going to milk this kid off those breast that George bought her for the next 18 years. Those breasts are going to cost him BIG TIME. This could be why he was crying in his beer?

I too thought that I read somewhere that Krista Allen had two abortions from George. Did we really think that Sara was going to let him go this easy.. HELL NO George has to remember he is dealing with someone that has NOTHING to lose but, EVERYTHING to gain by having his BAMBINO. OH I bet his PR man is just scrambling.

selenakyle said...

Sorry if this has already been said, but many vasectomies are not complete "snips" but rather clamps.
A little brass clamp is placed around the vas deferens, blocking off the swimmers.
Only know this b/c hubby is clamped...

mngddess--interesting comment about GC liking only the ladies.
Didn't we hear that AJ hates GC being around Brad b/c he's a bad influence?


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