Thursday, June 05, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - At this point this the only thing keeping this on and off screen couple from that NY teen show together are the cameras and the publicity they get for being together.

#2 - This one is long and involved, but is interesting. Lets get the people out of the way first. Singer/Female/always has been Top 40 along with her celebrity male friend. So apparently our singer decided she wanted a baby and her current guy of the moment was not giving it to her. So, she and her friend hatched a plan and established a base at a hotel room in San Diego. Lots of military guys in San Diego and they thought that would work best. Posted an ad on Craigslist for guys who wanted to help a woman conceive. The suitors were interviewed by the celebrity male for someone who looked as close as possible to her current boyfriend and someone was picked. At this point, before the female singer could follow through she decided that maybe she and her boyfriend were getting serious and so the pair called the whole thing off. What I can't figure out is whether or not she was going to be pregnant by someone unknown or if she was going to try and pass the baby off as belonging to her boyfriend. The suitors had no idea who the singer was, and were not even told she was a celebrity. To them, she was just a woman who wanted to get pregnant. If you are asking yourself how the potential suitor would not have figured out who it is, you would need to know the celebrity male. He would make sure. As far as I know she has kept quiet about the whole thing. It is the celebrity male who can't keep his mouth shut.


  1. #1 Penn Badgely and Blake Lively.

  2. 1- gossip girl twits

    2- Jessica Simpson and Paves?

  3. While I was reading #2 all I could think of was Mariah and Nick Cannon

  4. #2 - i'm not gonna lie, i'm kind of confused...

  5. what about alanis morssette

  6. mep, Mariah Carey is a good guess. She's always in Top 40. Who is her celebrity male friend? The boyfriend (at that time) is def. Nick Cannon.

  7. Jax, you beat me to it

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What confuses me is two things--1. why not just go to a sperm bank instead of having sex with a stranger? 2. Why didn't the potential suitor recognize the CELEBRITY male?

    That said---I thought of Mariah and Nick Cannon, too, but then realized that they were only together for a few months before tying the knot, not giving Mariah enough time to get too antsy for a baby.

    I wonder if the "always has been" is a clue--could it be a "has been" top 40 singer? Like Britney??

  10. I guess you really can get anything on Craigslist!

    I just can't imagine Mimi trolling for Navy boys on Broadway and Fifth.

  11. #2.the celeb "friend" must be a stylist. he can change her look. he of course would be unknown to young military guys.

  12. "Always has been top 40" - maybe the next part of that line would be "but now is trying Country"

  13. So who is a top 40 singer who has to be under mid-40's with a celeb friend and possible boyfriend?

  14. I like the Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves guess! 1) He's a hairdresser, so he could color/style her hair or give her a good wig so she wouldn't be recognizable. 2) I suppose he is a celebrity, but if I didn't see him next to Jess, I probably wouldn't recognize him; 3) And she is a "has been" top 40 singer; 4) She talks about wanting kids esp. with Ash pregnant. Yep, going with it.

  15. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I thought Janet Jackson for #2

  16. Jessica simpson was at moondoggies in PB(san Diego) Over the weekend... and i dont believe tony romo was there...

  17. captivagirl, unless you count 'those' young military men... ;)

    I don't think it's Jessica and Pavé. She's one of his biggest meal tickets. Besides, he strikes me more as the "write a tell-all book with all the details" in about 10 years than a random tattle-taler. He just seems so damn sly to me that one.

  18. jewels- "those" young men wouldn't be answering that

  19. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Clearly Penn and blake for #1. Wasn't there some story about how Penn is p.o.'ed the other boys get more attention than him?

    Mimi "I need to buy fresh towels every day" putting a stranger's semen in her body? Nope.

    Janet Jackson - where on earth would you find someone who looked like Jermaine Dupri... and why would you want to?

    Jessica/Paves seems to be the best guess. I could see them finding a military dude that looked like Tony Romo.

    If it weren't a singer, I'd think it was Eva Longoria and Mario Lopez.

    What female singer, male buddy combo can we think of?

  20. Anonymous2:28 PM

    captiva - yeah those boys would be going straight (pardoning the pun) to seancody and militaryclassified or whatever that site is.

  21. Califblondy:

    Yeh. I'm w/you on that. Mimi doesn't go trolling for navy Boys. She only dresses like she does.

    I do like Simpson/Paves guess, though...

    Penn/Blake. Is that even blind?

  22. ok, so jessica simpson likes auto-erotic asphixiation, uses condoms when she cheats on her boyfriend and was all set to be an ovulating glory hole for a bunch of navy guys?

    i'm confused!

    that said, i think it is jessica, but my guess for the celebrity male friend is totally clooney -- when jess nixed the san diego plan, he just kept driving until ended up in mexico.

  23. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Affleck is involved in this somehow. ;-)

  24. 2. cheryl crow and john mayer

  25. I think it's Jessica S. My a panic when Jessica thought she was losing him, she (or her dad) concocted the pregnancy plan to trap Tony Romo. But since Ashlee's wedding it seems Jess and Tony are getting back together, so no longer a need for the trap.

  26. What about Sheryl Crow before she adopted? When she was with Lance Armstrong...

  27. I thought of Janet Jackson, too, but she's too old to pull off this stupid stunt. It has to be someone younger than Janet, but who knows??

    Sheryl Crow wanted a kid but I can't imagine her doing this, but then again, you never know.

    I can see Jennifer Aniston lining up for this.

  28. Affleck is involved in this somehow. ;-)

    OMG, that cracked me up. Isn't Ben always involved somehow? He's the usual suspect for 99% of the blinds.

  29. was going to be a Baster Baby
    or the Ol' Fashioned way?

    I think Eva Whoria and Mario LoPig would do something like this
    maybe this happened before Tony agreed to marry her

  30. "Singer/Female/always has been Top 40". That's the clue Ent gave.

    Since everyone else is going Jessica Simpson/Ken Paves, and since I think that Jessica Simpson can't be the answer to every blind, I'm going to go off in another direction.

    Lets try Sheryl Crow as the singer, Lance Armstrong as the boyfriend, I cant think of who the celebrity would be though. Someone to do with makeup, a make up artist?

    Jeez. What about Ben Affleck? LMAO

  31. I'm loving the Sheryl Crow/Lance Armstrong guess. Owen Wilson as the celebrity friend?

  32. Who's that tartish whore that posed naked with a guitar between her legs. Gorgeous beauty, too. Light Brown hair.

  33. Jessica Simpson is not Top 40!!!

  34. What about Kid Rock as the celebrity friend for Sheryl Crow? He sleeps around so much that people would just think he was looking for a 3 some or something....

  35. Love Liz Phair. Not top 40 by a long shot though. Too original for pop.

    Slightly off topic, has anyone seen this: Us Weekly reports Jessica Simpson's father tried to become Tony Romo's sports agent.

    "A source tells Us Joe asked Romo, 28, to drop his agent so he could take over his NFL career and $67.5 million contract.

    He even offered to broker a deal to sell his engagement and wedding to a magazine should Romo and Jessica, 27, get engaged. "'If you guys have a marriage, I can do the same [sell it] that I did with Ashlee,'" a source quotes Joe as saying. "

    Is this a PG rated version of the "suffocation" reason?

  36. captivagrl said...

    jewels- "those" young men wouldn't be answering that

    I have a feeling that for the right price and a long enough turkey baster, even a few of 'those' boys might line up. ;)

    And I like the Sheryl Crow/Lance Armstrong guess. With Ben Affleck as the friend. Yeah, that's the ticket! :D

  37. Not liking the Lance Armstrong guess, he had to store his sperm once he had chemo, wive had in-vitro, nobody could pass off a child as his without raising red flags.

  38. sorry, wife had in-vitro

  39. Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong had an acrimonious split at least a year ago.

  40. whitney/clive davis

  41. D- I don't think this blind says anything about it being relatively recent.

    Lance / Sheryl popped into my head too, only because Sheryl's baby looks remarkably like Lance, even though he's adopted.

  42. Bah, #1 isn't even blind! NY teen show always = Gossip Girl, and Penn and Blake are the only ones on there with a relationship in the rags (not to mention their characters just broke up on screen). The only people who wouldn't get it are people unfamiliar with the show. :-P

    #2 - No idea, but it can't always be Simpson, right? And is she really top 40? There is no justice in the world...

  43. Enty, all of these blind items that point to Jessica Simpson are killing me! Could all of these have happened in the past few months? I know she's a little nutty and needy for a man, but I didn't think she was THAT out there. Please confirm somehow! I beg of you.



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