Saturday, December 01, 2007

AIDS Timeline--26 Years

On 5 June 1981, the first case study detailing an unusual cluster of pneumonia cases among gay men alerted the world to AIDS.

Here are some of the key dates in the history of the illness since then.

1982 - AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is first used as a term.

The condition had earlier been known as Grid - Gay Related Immune Deficiency.

The first case of AIDS is reported in Africa.

1983 - The US Centers for Disease Control adds female partners to the list of groups at risk.

1984 - HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is isolated by Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris and Robert Gallo of the US National Cancer Institute.

1985 - Hollywood star Rock Hudson is revealed to have AIDS.

1987 - The UK government's "Don't Die of Ignorance" campaign is launched.

Rock Hudson
Rock Hudson was revealed to have Aids in 1985

Needle exchanges are first piloted in the UK.

The first antiretroviral drug, AZT, is approved in the US.

Pictures of Princess Diana holding the hand of a patient in an AIDS ward are broadcast around the world.

HIV testing is introduced across the UK.

1988 - First World AIDS Day.

1991 - Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen, dies of an AIDS-related illness.

The Red Ribbon becomes the international symbol of HIV.

The US Food and Drug Administration licences the first rapid HIV test.

Ten million people around the world are HIV positive. AIDS kills more men aged 25 to 44 than any other condition.

1995 - There is an outbreak of HIV among injecting drug users in Eastern Europe.

The first combination therapy - HAART, (highly active antiretroviral therapy) is approved for use in the US.

1996 - UNAIDS is established.

1998 - Trials of a vaccine against HIV begin.

2001 - Drug companies abandon their opposition to the generic production of antiretrovirals.

2002 - The Global Fund for the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB is set up.

2003 - Results of the first major HIV vaccine trial - AIDS VAX - show promise.

2005 - International leaders commit to universal access to treatment at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles.

About 1.3 million people in developing countries have access to treatment.

2006 - About 38.6m people are estimated to be living with AIDS worldwide.

3 comments: said...

Let's give it up for Liz Taylor and all the work she's done to help AIDS victims.

ladorabelle said...

1986 - My friend Richard's father is infected with HIV from a blood transfusion.

2001 - Richard's father loses the long and painful battle with the disease.

bionic bunny! said...

ladorabelle,i'm very sorry about your friend's father. i worry so much about things like that... with all my surgeries, they don't always know ahead of time if they will need me to donate. and of couse cadaver products are used all the time, but there is less (or no?) risk with some of them.
i'm donating my body to science so maybe they can figure out how to prevent this same thing in other people, i wish more people would do so (of course, this is presuming i have any original parts left when i go).
and b-love, gotta love la liz. she was in there pitching LONG before it was the "popular" thing to do. remember what a hard time they had getting that movie cast, made, and shown (and the band played on). i'm still blown away everytime i sit through that.


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