Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This B list actress who was a regular WB/UPN one shot wonder has her own television show now. This past weekend she wanted company each night and she did not discriminate when it came to men and women. She flirted with each gender almost non-stop and her report card reads one night with a guy, and the next night with a guy and girl.

This television host despite being married spent some a whole bunch of time hitting on someone almost half his age. Thinking he was going to get lucky he made his move, only to be rebuffed when the girl said there was no way she would do anything with him because he was old and her mom's favorite star.

This newly single female singer literally should have passed out numbers to get in line to speak/hit on her. Throughout the weekend one celeb and NBA player after another would spend a minute or two trying to make a dent in her facade and to see if they would have any luck. Although she did not hook up with anyone, she did utter the best line all weekend. An NBA player was making the moves on her and she said, "First of all I am not interested at all in you, and second, do you think you could show me and your wife some respect by taking your wedding ring back out of your pocket and put it on your finger where it belongs."


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    #3 Sara Evans

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    #3: Whit-nay!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    #2 Howie Mandel

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Hillary Duff for #3?

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I guess Hillary too, though its hard to imagine her being assertive like that.

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wonder if it was Kylie Minogue for #3?

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hillary Duff for #3

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Hillary is a good one for #3, was she there?

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    shannon dougherty for 1?

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Shannon would be a good guess for #1 if it weren't for that pesky 90201 show...

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sheryl Crow for $3?

  12. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I'm guessing BI #3 would be someone who was at last Sunday's NBA all star game given the NBA references...

  13. Anonymous12:50 PM

    #1 "was a regular one hit wonder" seems to be an oxymoron... must be a hint in there somewhere.

    #2 Regis ?

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    How about Jeri Ryan for #1?

  15. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Ciara and Mya were both there. Are either recently single?

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Kelly Rowland was there too

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    So I guess she wasn't off to a "more secure facility" after all - unless you consider Chateau Marmont more secure than Promises...

  18. Anonymous1:08 PM

    So I guess she wasn't off to a "more secure facility" after all - unless you consider Chateau Marmont more secure than Promises...

  19. Anonymous1:28 PM

    lily I don't know Ciara's status with bow wow, but that does seem possible- I'm not sure if Hilary is witty enough to come up with that good a comeback honestly

  20. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Beyonce for #3?

  21. Anonymous2:10 PM

    cameron diaz-dent in her facade ( numerous zits) for 3?

  22. Anonymous2:27 PM

    #3 clearly says "This newly single female singer" and you guess Cameron Diaz - priceless.

  23. Anonymous2:29 PM

    This is for #3 (Gabrielle Union.)

  24. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Gabriell Union is an actress, not singer, but everything else matches. That leaves us w/ Ciara, Mya or Whitney I believe...

  25. Anonymous3:16 PM

    #3 has to be Ciara

  26. Anonymous3:25 PM

    #2 is James Lipton.

  27. Anonymous3:26 PM

    im no expert but it seems a stretch that duff would know about an NBA players wifey status... gotta be someone closer to that culture... she's been in joel madden's world for the last couple years...

    i cant see her tearing a strip off one with such zest either

    funny picturing the visual of a NBA player hitting on whitney... hahaha hahaha

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM


    It could be anyone... Regis, Jay Leno, Pat Sajack...


    I have not seen anyone mention that it could be... the "singer" part is the catch.. and she would have to know basketball real well.

  29. Anonymous4:02 PM

    #3 is definitely Ciara, I read another article sonwhere about how she was getting hit on left and right at the All-Star thing.

  30. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Is Alanis Morissette a basketball fan, by any chance?

  31. Anonymous7:04 PM

    1. Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (2 guys and a girl as the hint?)

    3. Toni Braxton?

  32. I agree with Pinky on #1 as Jeri Ryan. She was on both UPN and the WB in Star Trek something or other and Boston Public as a teacher (The report card reference). Plus she sunk her ex-husband's political coreer when it leaked that he 'made' her go to sex clubs, so we know she's no stanger to the kinky stuff.

  33. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Def Ciara for #3
    She recently had a very acrimonious split with Bow Wow.... well on his part anyway (incontinence jokes etc). Even his latest song is about her. She on the other hand has conducted herself with dignity. Usually indifferent 2 her but kudos this time.

  34. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Don't know who #3 is, but that her response is AWESOME!

  35. Anonymous7:02 AM

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  36. Anonymous7:44 AM

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  37. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I'm going to throw Lizzy Caplan's name out for #1. She was on "Related" on the WB, which was cancelled after one season. She is now co star of "The Class". Maybe that's where the report card reference comes from?

    Also I read somewhere that she's a party girl and was dating Matthew Perry, which was weird considering his addiction problems.

  38. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I'm going with Howie Mandel for #2 also.

  39. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Interesting Toni Braxton guess for #3... I was actually going to ask what you all thought about Toni B as a possible MV? She was huge when she came out, has won 6 Grammy's, and then suddenly went banktrupt to "get out of a contract"... she's all but fallen into obscurity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never seen her mentioned by ENT on this blog. My only caveat would be that she's been on Broadway, and it would be seriously difficult for her to li-synch without the whole cast knowing about it. Just a thought...


  40. #1 Jennifer Love Hewitt?

  41. Anonymous10:32 AM

    great going whoever the person in #3 is!;) whats bow wow's new song (about ciara)?

  42. Anonymous11:02 AM

    What about Dr. Phil for #2. I think a past BI made a reference to him cheating on his wife.

  43. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Bow Wow tune - Outta my System

    Or something like that....



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